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Everything posted by TranceLikeState

  1. Thanks for all the input Doc! Some progress. Pics and video of some new exterior work. New ground, and a few things. " width="600px" height="361px">" />" width="600px" height="361px" allowFullScreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" />
  2. Surprised no one replied to this originally especially DK, but bump! For those who haven't seen it, a new trailer. This game looks amazing. " width="600px" height="361px">" />" width="600px" height="361px" allowFullScreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" />
  3. Again in the content previews of the episodes on the site it says that "Marty and First Citizen Brown must join forces to create an epic invention so that he can prevent the young Emmett Brown from making the worst mistake of his life!" This implies they don't even use the delorean to get Marty back to the 30's
  4. Suicidal Tendencies? I was looking at the content of the latter 2 episodes and it sounds cool. It says the finale will take place in the past, present, and future, so maybe some 2015 models after all?
  5. Just played through it. It's a bit short. Good though Yeah, Edna sucks! SPOILER: I can't believe the delorean got so wrecked! And that wheel flew away! What are they going to do? Obviously it gets fixed though cuz in the preview of ep 4 Marty is in the 30's again!
  6. If you look at my topic it was one of the first things i did
  7. You can help if you like Angelo. It's not bad Carlos. Better to see the way it moves. He didn't mention it of course took a little help from me
  8. Good call again doc! And implemented Keep those ideas coming and i'll give you due credits of course
  9. Sweet site doc! I hadn't thought about it yet, but why not? Made a moddb page for the mod today HERE. Still awaiting authorization.
  10. Theres a language option on the DL page. Weird. The TT moderator says "it's not releasing today". Tomorrow maybe then? And i will see what i can do with Jennifer.
  11. Just added some lights and particles for fun. Fire in the fireplace and smoke from the chimney. 2 lights, 1 on the porch, and 1 on the desk inside. Alot of furniture is in fact missing but i will have it soon i believe. Played with the lighting a bit but nothing worth showing. Heres some pics with the lights and stuff. Looks cool.
  12. OMG. Hahaha. Ever heard of a ritual killing? More pics later to get back on topic which i'd so love to do. Although that was amusing Mike!
  13. This is exactly what i'm afraid of and why i'm not prepared to forgive you right away. You can't just casually hand out ultimatums like that. It irritates people. You need to be much more humble and say "you're right, i was wrong and i'm sorry." Had you said that i would've said "Jeez, maybe he has turned over a new leaf. I'll give him a chance." It's not rocket surgery.
  14. Doc- Obviously i would like to add the shotgun in the left hand but it may be difficult since gta doesn't work that way. We'll see. Anything is possible if Linevariy feels like helping me haha. KP- Thanks for the compliments. I appreciate your position but want you to know i am not a childish person who just severs a tie for the hell of it. You have to really do something lame to make me mad. And thats pretty much what you did. I was flabbergasted. I will most likely forgive you at some point because people grow and change and deserve second chances. I am not yet prepared to however. DK- You're a riot.
  15. I like it Carlos. Thats a pretty good idea actually Kocher. Carlos, do you have windows live messenger or AIM or ICQ or anything? Lets hook up and put this together. I like the way it looks. Surprised how easily all this stuff ports over actually. I wasn't planning on releasing anything anytime soon, but we can still put it in our own games
  16. Just a quick video i made of the now in game chainsaw with some new animations. Open for CONSTRUCTIVE criticism of course. Cabin model still needs lights and particles. Also havn't played with the advanced lighting yet. Looks cool still though to see it all together. It's even fun to run around as ash killing innocent people haha. " width="600px" height="361px">" />" width="600px" height="361px" allowFullScreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" /> Not sure if it's my iPhone but the quality is terrible. Anyone else?
  17. Regeneration. The newest i think.
  18. Thanks! Cabin in game. Have yet to add advanced lighting or 2dfx, but it'll look stunning after that i think. There seems to be a lamp missing in the corner of the room but other than that i nailed it. No exterior shot yet as it is floating over the grove I'm liking how it looks in gta though.
  19. Finally managed to get these models as well for an Evil Dead Mod finally Only have Ash right now, but i'll be adding the cabin to the woods soon
  20. Thanks Dave. So, standing by the Shark! sign you will notice it is in fact a bit larger in VC than in the bttf game so if anything i went a bit big. Here is also a pic of marty standing directly against the theater doors and it looks like my col floor is a bit high on this one but even still not as small as it may have appeared. Keep in mind this game itself is scaled and proportioned abnormally and i may in fact be using draw distance models as some like the theater The models obviously look way better in a game with a shading system. I suspect they'll look way better in SA. Also to answer the earlier question what from i could see the stock bttf 2 del is around 18,000 and the TT del is 19,000 so it is in fact a tad more.
  21. It's pretty far away. I'll show you shots of what I used as reference when I get home.
  22. too small? Scale wise? I'll have you know it's exact. Don't make me get reference. And i'd have to look at the original bttf 2 del too see how many poly's it is or maybe someone knows. I can tell you the TT one is 19,000.