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Version 0.2f R1
Controls: Switch on/off time circuits - + Destination time is entered via the keypad or top row of buttons on the keyboard, confirm your entry with the minus key - Open/Close doors on Jules Verne Train - T Open/Close rear tail gate on Docs truck - Y Change BTTF 2 DeLorean to hover mode - C Toggle cutscene / instant time travel - M Connect BTTF 3 railroad delorean to Rogers locomotive - Numpad 4 Rogers push BTTF 3 railroad delorean - Horn Alternate download link: Should you are have issues downloading the file from our website, please try the download mirror on Moddb on the link below: If you have issues installing the mod, please refer to the 0.2e install tutorial on youtube, as the same applies to the 0.2f installer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyaXgSMrQ6E8 points -
Hello everyone! I decided to mod BTTF: SA for a while. These are my modifications: Mods Made: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coding: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now using Source Code 1105 effects.fxp only. BTTF1 and BTTF2 Delorean flux dispersal effects now start at 80 mph. Changed wormhole effects to enlarge more smoothly. Added KITT (Delorean Edition) Time Travel Effects, which is also compatible with Source Code 1105. Added KITT (Delorean Edition) Spawn Code Modified uokka's hover mod with these features: Changed vent glows to work with BTTF2 delorean rather than Crysis delorean Changed hover control layout to work with the Deloreans mod mentioned below. Modified BTTF2 hover controls. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modeling: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imported my Crysis Delorean-like textures to SA. Now all deloreans have crysis-like textures. They include: New Delorean Body New Headlights New Taillights New DMC-12 Wheels ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Audio: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Added New Mr. Fusion sound to BTTFSA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Mod: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the teleport by year mod I made for SA. So far the years are as follows: The year 0 Era 1885 Era ***Special Year*** 2854: This special year teleports you to the garage where you can change into a different delorean time machine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These mods were made on top of the All Deloreans BTTFSA Mod by Delorean88MP: You can find his mod here: http://youtu.be/RdzKFdddFIk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's all for now. More mods coming, including crysis-like KITT (Delorean Edition) with delorean engine sounds, and more years for the teleport mod. Update 7/24/13: The first beta release of my teleport script is out! See download section at the bottom. Teleports to different locations from the year 0 to the year 3000. Time travel above the year 3000, and you won't teleport at all! You have to install the Peabody Ranch map mod by LoadGamePL to spawn in the barn. ***Another special date*** November 5th 1955, spawn in Peabody Barn. The rest of the 1955 era, you spawn on a road. This is a beta. Still has some bugs to work out. If someone could test it for me, that would be great! UPDATE 7/28/13: Modded effects.fxp. Now has uokka's wheelglow and wheelboost mods as well as BTTF3 wormhole and sparks. Also included updated BTTF3, BTTF3 RR and bananas time travel scripts with new effects. Link at bottom. UPDATE 8/7/13: Beta 2 of my teleport script is out! Here is the link, and make sure to read the readme: Link at Bottom. UPDATE 8/8/13: Added uokka's telltale wormhole to the mod. Now all time travel scripts use uokka's animated wormhole. I re-colored the wormhole to make an orange-ish BTTF3 version along with the blue. All time travel scripts now use the cold delorean effect (not uokka's). Also, BTTF2 time travel script no longer has hover mode. Uokka's hover script replaces hover mode for all deloreans now. Edited time_help.cs now spawns a BTTF2 delorean from a distance, but no one is in it. Refuel and go! Wow, that was a mouthful. UPDATE: Fixed some time travel bugs. Now all deloreans time travel at the instant they reach 88 mph. For some reason, the BTTF 1, 2, 3, and 3 RR deloreans stayed at 88 mph for a while (I was like, "Time Travel Already!) Also, time_help.cs bug fixed. Now you can drive the spawned delorean without having to refuel Mr. Fusion first. Reupload link at bottom. UPDATE 8/18/13: Beta 3 of my teleport script is out! Now has fixed time circuits (almost). Thanks to LoadGamePL for the fix. Please download at bottom and read the readme. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Mod Update! 9/6/13 Updated Mods Include: Skin Selector: Marty at the start of the save game Crysis Delorean Edits: New Headlights New Taillights New Whiter Mr. Fusion New License Plate New Brighter Blue Delorean New Delorean Handling DMC-13000: Original DMC-13 Wheels KITT License Plate KITT Red Scanner KITT 3000 Effects and Sounds Time Travel Script. Now refuel on the side of DMC-13000, not facing the rear. Credits: Thanks to LoadGamePL for the Crysis license plate and headlights textures. Thanks to PozitiVBttF for the fixed DMC-13 wheel. Modifications to the DMC-13 by me. Credits go to Mad_Driver10 for the converted taillights texture for SA. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE 10/10/13: Watch in HD: http://youtu.be/XM5s1PsC6LI Mods Made: Improved uokka hover conversion liftoff with struts. New Hover Mode On Sound from Tellltale Games New Animated Wormhole Traffic By Year with cars from 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 80's, and 2015+ Credits: Thanks to: uokka for help with fixing the hover script and adding the struts. Trancelikestate for the Telltale 1930's cars for SA. LoadGamePL on youtube for help with fixing the Traffic by Year script. ManuGT1000 on youtube for the converted Toyota SR5 pickup. Na Teles on youtube for the Crysis normal DMC-12, which I modified. BttfTrain on youtube for the converted BMW 633 CSi and the manure truck. The modders at gta-classics.net for their classic cars for SA. Programist for his wormhole, which I modified. The modders that made the GTA SA Anderius (Alien City) cars. DOWNLOAD: A download will be provided soon with ONLY the hover script. I do not have permission to release the models. Therefore if one wants to make their own Traffic by year mod, I will only help with the coding by request. UPDATE 11/11/13: A small mod update which includes: Telltale Time Travel Particles Telltale Reentry Sounds Battle With DELOKARR mini-mission. Thanks to uokka for help with particle effects. Thanks to LoadGamePL for help with DELOKARR mini-mission, My own version of DELOKARR mini-mission created from Christine Mod and inspired by LoadGamePL's mod. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE 12/22/13: http://youtu.be/3g-YgWByt04 New Mod Update that includes the following (in chronological order): Doc Garage Vehicle Spawn Scripts Time Train Normal DMC-13 New More Accurate BTTF2 Crysis Delorean New Delorean Door Open Sound Time Train Time Travel Scripts New Particle Effects for Time Train New Ventglow Effects New Delorean Engine On Sound New Delorean Engine Idle Sound New Time Circuit Enter Sound New Mr. Fusion Closing Sound New Hover On Sound Credits go to: Lucas.M.V.Videos on YouTube for his Time Train LoadGamePL on YouTube for his converted Doc Truck BTTFTrain on YouTube for his DMC-13 Conversion, which I modified. Programist for his particle effects, which I also modified. Telltale Games for their Door, Time Circuits, and Mr. Fusion sounds. Big thanks again to RobertBlox, uokka, and PozitiVBttF for helping me with the crysis model. UPDATE 3/7/2014: Delorean Railroad script fixed for Roger's 131 Locomotive: http://youtu.be/JyRv3jBgv58 This mod update includes the following: New Crysis BTTF3 Railroad Delorean New Roger's 131 Locomotive converted from 0.2f New Roger's Locomotive Presto Log Effects Special thanks to PozitiVBttF for the Roger's Locomotive models. Credits go to: BTTF Hill Valley team for their original VC Roger's Locomotive. Lucas.M.V.Videos for the Crysis Railroad delorean wheel and CPRR boxcar train models. AVP for his Crysis Delorean Mr. Fusion plate. Trancelikestate for his converted Telltale Mr. Fusion. Programist for his source code. UPDATE 3/24/14: New 3D-ish firetrail for the deloreans. http://youtu.be/KWUof1MTUCQ This firetrail uses 2 primary base data sets with 2 different textures and colors. I also created a longer BTTF3 RR version, but it is not shown in the video because it disappears too quickly. Please feel free to comment on the firetrail. I could always use some constructive criticism. UPDATE 4/17/14: New Particle Reentry Explosions and BTTF3 RR firetrail: http://youtu.be/GCxsY1Kf_gw So, what do you think of the explosions? UPDATE 6/15/14: Added updates to the Doc Brown Follow Script. Now all you have to do is meet Doc in his house. http://youtu.be/zJA34ApwJ6U UPDATE 6/25/14: http://youtu.be/qp4iZ6qTZYE 0.2e DMC-13 Particle Scripts converted to SA with some minor improvements Accurate DMC-13 Time Travel Coils Updated Programist Effects Added BTTF 3 Crysis Delorean now using carcols on the wheels. DMC-13000 Model Update Source Code Update With uokka Time Circuits Knight Industries Time Traveler Model Update with Working Scanner Credits: uokka for his Time Circuit code. The BTTFHV Mod Team for the original DMC-13 code. Programist for his wormhole effects code UPDATE 8/12/14: http://youtu.be/NY9LFQ1CLcs A small mod update that includes: Crysis Delorean Models optimized for Improved Vehicle Features mod. uokka Hover Mod Integration Scripts that include glowing vents at night and correct firetrails while time traveling in hover mode. New Blue Delorean Door Sound Engine Acceleration and Rev Sounds now back to HV mod default. Updated Programist effects. Now each delorean time travel implosion matches its wormhole color. DOWNLOAD: No download due to permissions issues. Credits go to: Programist for his particle effects. uokka for his vent effects, which I modified. Thanks to: PozitiVBttF for help with Improved Vehicle Features. uokka for help with the hover integration script. *********Download Section********* UPDATE 6/26/13: Coding and audio modifications download: http://goo.gl/CUZbV UPDATE 6/27/13: KITT (Delorean Edition) Time Travel Fixes: http://goo.gl/ZEcsY UPDATE 6/28/13: Vent Glows Fix and Radio playback for all cars. http://goo.gl/TK2H2 Update 7/24/13: Teleport script Beta 1. http://goo.gl/IinX9m Peabody Ranch map mod by LoadGamePL. http://www.mediafire.com/?r15hhyhrapk341s UPDATE 7/28/13: Modded effects.fxp. http://goo.gl/1RtcDy UPDATE 8/7/13: Teleport Script Beta 2. http://goo.gl/tt9Q8g UPDATE 8/8/13: uokka's telltale wormhole and edited time_help.cs. http://goo.gl/WnVHDa UPDATE 8/12/13: Added Doc Brown Follow Scripts Download: http://goo.gl/aJjQTV These scripts use Doc Brown as a different ped ID than the one Trance originally put them in. Please read the readme! UPDATE 8/18/13: Teleport Script Beta 3 http://goo.gl/1wXMxu See you in the future! -BTTFModMachine7 points
That's because it's a GB1 ribbon cable. Nice work Doc. Got mine fully together now. Got a pretty good deal on a pack on eBay already assembled! Had a few drinks last night and had a dress rehearsal haha. My flight suit: Belt with all the gizmos but no props: A few of the pack itself. It has a nice weathered finish: Lights already installed but no sound yet. And everything together:6 points
Now that the dust has settled on the release of 0.2f, we wanted to share with you how we are planning to take the mod forward. It was initially thought that 0.2f would be our swan song, but pulling everyone back together has given us a renewed sense of enthusiasm, so for the immediate future at least, you can expect more progress from us. We will also be changing the format of how we release the mod to you. It is not planned at this point that there will be anymore main releases where we hold everything back (0.2g / 0.3 etc), what we will be doing now is releasing models and features as they are completed in the form of an update package which will install over the top of 0.2f. If there are enough update packages we may bundle them together as a 'service pack' or release an 0.2f R2 which incorporates all changes. News and updates regarding progress of models and features will now be presented directly by the mod team members. All progress will be documented in the Blog section of our site, which can be found here: http://www.bttfhillvalley.co.uk/forum/index.php?/blogs/ You may notice that we have two sections setup on the blog, one will document the ongoing progress with the GTA mods. The second will document Leaf's progress with a standalone game build from the ground up. GTA mod blog: http://www.bttfhillvalley.co.uk/forum/index.php?/blogs/blog/6-bttf-hill-valley-mod-blog/ Standalone game blog: http://www.bttfhillvalley.co.uk/forum/index.php?/blogs/blog/4-bttf-hill-valley-the-standalone-game/ Please follow the blogs to keep up to date on the latest progress.5 points
This question is just.. Uhm, nevermind. Go ahead. Do it. Pure speculation. Thus your speculation. Again, go ahead then. Especially since you think it's so simple. Just make it an awesome mod (I'm having a dรฉjร vu). Yep, that's the mod team. As I get it, they'd rather do all the stuff themselfs rather than simply put all that ms-paint crap together that you can find on the net. And what do you have to contribute? It seems to me that you have absolutely no idea about the complexity of such a project. Or what GTAs and CLEOs limitations are. Modding a game which is not officially supported to be modded is not easy. There do exits growing informations for hacking GTA games but that doesn't mean it will all just work. It's far from just simply putting stuff together. You're living in a dream world. It doesn't make any sense to yell at a leaveless tree in the winter. --- Apart from that... don't spam, please. There are already plenty of threads regarding this kind of speculation. If you really can't hold yourself, spam there at least.4 points
crysis delorean hovercraft is not ready you can see pictures. Do you like it?4 points
Here comes an update on my train a few things are missing so im going to add them. and im thinking of adding more of the back to the future stuff i have been doing so there is going to be more4 points
Hello again my fellow Back to the future fans (not my fans but you get what i mean.. i hope) Here comes an update of my delorean, this one is not like the other one from the skyway picture. this is the result of me redoing the delorean because that the other model was old and the first thing i did when i learned modeling, so this is kinda my delorean V.2 and im gonna try to have so much details as i can4 points
The most epic car of all time! I think I failed on the front wheel... And also the thunder, it looks like... uh... a dead tree branch... or something like that XD ACDC - Angus Young The guitar's too big I think... :/ THE GODDAMN BATMAN Mr.Bean, the one and only! A drawing of Spidey, as usual X-) REVELL X-Wing Easy Kit custom I tried to make it as if it went out of a really big battle... I need your opinion guys! Especially on the drawings of Mr.Bean and Angus Young, I'm trying to learn how to do portraits and that's hard...4 points
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4 points
After telling you repeatedly that work is being done constantly and you repeatedly jabbing at us for not pouring our lives out into the mod instead of going to work, and school and all the things people do in real life I'm sick of hearing it. Warning issued. Now drop the whole "at least I'm doing something" bit!4 points
4 points
Other people making maps is cool. Other people insulting the team's work isn't. We get it. We know it's taking years. Unless someone nicley covers our livelyhood requirements, AKA paychecks, the mod is gonna take a while.4 points
You are indeed right, Trance. There is one thing that we don't like on this forum.4 points
Just finished the BTTF2 DeLorean ! The Hover system is working of course ! Next: BTTF3 DeLorean (At last! Yay! Duuudes!!)4 points
A nice lamppost model, sir. With just two minor flaws. One, the lamppost doesn't have any lamps. And two, the lamppost doesn't have any lamps. Now I realise that technically speaking that's only one flaw but I thought that it was such a big one that it was worth mentioning twice.4 points
Hello everyone! This is a WIP created entirely by me, so there are no permissions issues. Great for making movies. Look! Where we're going we don't have roads. http://youtu.be/RNHSRVWyLdQ UPDATE: I didn't want this topic to be inactive for too long, so I am posting progress updates with MEd screenshots. Notice that the roads exist in these screenshots because no texture modifications are made: UPDATE 1: UPDATE 2: UPDATE 3: 1885 Map Mod is nearing completion. UPDATE 4: Added McFly Farm House FULL RELEASE: Yay! http://youtu.be/1QbBV88Vgm8 DOWNLOAD: http://goo.gl/ia9l4E Thanks to LoadGamePL for help with MapEditor. Also, big thanks to Delorean88MP and TranceLikeState! See you in San Andreas, or in MapEditor, or 1885... -BTTFModMachine3 points
Version 0.2f Update 01
The first update to 0.2f. Simply install over the top of your existing installation of BTTF HV version 0.2f. The update addresses the following issues: -Reinstates the start line for the lightning strike run on Nov 12th 1955 -Reinstates the correct model when time travelling via the clock tower lightning strike -Fixes the crash caused when pushing the railroad DeLorean up to 88 mph with the Rogers 131 locomotive -Fixes the wormhole sound effect bug - Fixes traffic missing after a short time - Fixes spawning issues with Doc's truck and wrecks of it generating at Sunshine Autos - Fixes lights on Doc's truck (submission) causing a crash - Fixes the Jules Verne Timetrain dropping through the roof of Vercetti's Mansion - Fixes crash when timetravelling with the BTTF3 DeLorean using the remote control - Added (WIP) hover conversion animation for 2015 Luxor Cab Company Citroรซn DS Taxi - Added an ini-file to change keybindings (see bttf-hv.ini) - Added opcode definition for memory manipulation script in game script source to fix crashes when compiling custom changes - Remapped hover conversion keybind on 2015 Police car to use the global hover conversion button Also included are all of the source code files for the mod3 points -
Hello everyone! I created a sound pack for BTTF: SA from various sounds. This might be useful in 0.2f? Downloads in download section at the bottom of this post: Version 1: http://youtu.be/AGOCvAwwIX0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ New sounds used: New Cutscene Time Travel Sound New Mr. Fusion Sound New Time Circuit Keypad Sounds New Time Circuit Off Sound New Delorean Accelerate Sound New Delorean Engine Off Sound Sounds taken from BTTF: The Game and the BTTF Trilogy Movies. UPDATE: Version 2 has more accurate delorean acceleration in game. UPDATE: Version 3 is out! http://youtu.be/K4qy30ntUZc V3 includes: 3 Door Opening Sounds Engine Off Sound Engine On Sound 2 Hover On Sounds Hover Off Sound Time Circuit Keypad Number Sounds Time Circuit Keypad Enter Sound Time Circuit On Sound Time Circuit Off Sound 2 Mr. Fusion Open Sounds Mr. Fusion Refuel Sound Cutscene Reentry Sound Delorean Engine Idle Sound taken from a real delorean (Thanks Mike)! Delorean Acceleration Sound Delorean Engine Rev Sound Door Closing Sounds Please read the readme file. Good luck! All sounds were taken from the BTTF Movie, Telltale Games, or GTA SA itself (except for the delorean idle sound and part of one of the hover on sounds). Credits go to uokka for his hover on sound, which I mixed in with the Telltale one. UPDATE: Added Movie sound pack, with sounds extracted from the BTTF movies! http://youtu.be/nf65K41Q8Ts The movie sound pack includes the following: 1 Delorean Door Sound from each of the three BTTF movies 4 Engine Off Sounds 2 Engine On Sounds GENRL Vehicle Sounds (Not changed from Delorean Sound Pack V3) 2 Hover Mode On Sounds 1 Hover Mode Off Sound Time Circuit Keypad Sounds Time Circuit On Sound Time Circuit Off Sound Time Circuit Enter Sound 2 Mr. Fusion Open Sounds Mr. Fusion Refilling Sound 3 Cutscene Reentry Sounds 4 Time Travel Sparks Sounds DOWNLOAD SECTION: Download Version 1: http://goo.gl/InrNPR Download Version 2: http://goo.gl/Dpv8TZ Download Version 3: http://goo.gl/WzCWMH Download Movie Sound Pack (Version 4): http://goo.gl/qCB4kW See you in the future! -BTTFModMachine3 points
So I have finally decided to start saving for a DeLorean, maybe I can do some minor upgrades to make it not suck as much and then upgrade it to a time machine I just got my job stuff all swapped around so now i can actually start saving for the car lets face it, DeLorean's are really crappy cars they are unreliable and out of nowhere they just stop working. so I have a proposition let me day this first mostly for mike *I DON'T CARE ABOUT ACCURACY OR RESALE VALUE* now with that out of the way here's my plan which will take a good amount of money and probably my life. first thing is I'll need a DeLorean, at this point i'd like one that's drive able till i make money for the other upgrades, I can deal with shoveling money into problems while saving for the deus ex of repairs this should cost about $30,000 USD next I'll purchase a kit from EV west which they have told me they are working with DeLorean and it will cost about $25,000 USD This will be an engine replacement with an electric motor capable of going 100 miles on a full charge. (I asked about 300 miles and they said tesla range comes with a tesla price.) after this is the ultimate upgrade I live in Pampa TX and bobs prop shop is in Dallas TX so that's about 6 hours away I'll have it shipped up there and back asa BTTF2 delorean ---Things-That-Need-To-Be-Done--- Wings-A-Loft (basically a remote that.provides keyless entry, opens the doors, pops the boot, and gives the car an alarm) Licence Plate Hider (here in most states we have to have a front licence plate, there are companies that make mechanical lifts that pull the plate in front of the car when driving.) Sequential Led Brake Lights (will probably have to build these myself.) replace all bulbs with leds (less drain on the batteries) brightest headlights Footwell Lighting Hidden Antenna rework electrical system with new cabling, relays,fuses etc ---Time Machine-Stuff--- (also keep in mind all time machine electronics are on their own battery so there's no drain of the 100 miles from it.) BTTF 2 Time Machine Conversion Base Cost: $40,000 Door sounds (for some reason they don't normally sell them with these and nobody requests it but they said it can be done) rear view mirror converted to screen and camera (most of the customers that requested this put the camera above the license plate i think mine should be under the wormhole emitter) push down license plate (basically the prop barcarole license plate can be pushed down and the regular plate is behind it) fog machine (apparently the vent fog machine actually costs extra I would have thought this was part of the conversion) Proper Time Circuits from Moretto (I wonder if they will install these for me when the DeLorean is converted) if anyone has any cool ideas that are possible mention them and I'll consider them. that means don't mention flying or time travel be serious thanks.3 points
impossible to forget I never even thought to ask why You were a child, children do dumb things, we all knew you'd grow up and eventually come back or forget about the site. I'm proud of you.3 points
Chapter 1 The End Of Time. Chapter 2 The Multiverse. Chapter 3 The Plan. Chapter 4 A friend in need. Chapter 5 Finding Pinkie. Chapter 6 Answers. Chapter 7 It must be love.3 points
A few updated photos with the green undercarriage and white hover lights. Soon to add neon rope :-)3 points
Okay, I don't know if someone had this idea before but are these guys the same person? : What do you think? It would make sense! In 1985 A, Biff have maybe done everything in order to prevent Goldie Wilson from becoming HV's mayor? If this guy on the first picture is 1985A Goldie Wilson, I would literally HATE myself to notice that only now...3 points
Here comes an update of my Ferrari from 2015 , sorry for the bad quality in the movie. http://youtu.be/-T3sTeaXmjc3 points
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3 points
Hi! It's been a while since the last time I did a topic, but hey, I wanted to show you I did a new accurate LCD font. In a few days I will post images of the fonts being used in bttf:hv. I hope you like them:3 points
Paul Walker (Brian O'Connor from the The Fast and The Furious Movies) is dead. He died in a car accident at the age of 40. We will all miss him.3 points
I remember the good ol' days when Youtube was privately owned. It was so much better then.3 points
3 points
So are you (and now me again too) while Mike actually has a good reason for doing so as he takes care of possible misuse of this forum. Remember StevenLovBttf also wants to sell selfmade BTTF props. So it's important to know if one doesn't talk with the mouth especially if answering relevant questions are kept not beeing answered using doubtable excuses.3 points
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The beta version of animations Truck and skin Marty for gta sa converted from GTA IV This mod will not be published! loans to model the van belongs to the authors 0.2ะต please comment on3 points
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Here's some pics of my latest model of the orbital frame Jehuty... Hope you'll like it ! Jehuty: On this one I tried to make it move, it was hard but I did it X-) BTTF DeLorean: Sorry, that's a lot of pics X-) I think I'll have to work a little bit of the Jehuty's textures, I'm also working on the Vector Cannon from Zone Of The Enders too Hope you liked it !3 points
They watched my YT vids and installed my hover scripts so they just didn't know about Mr. Fusion. d:3 points
Welcome to my new topic for my progress on the conversion of Marty McFly's 1985 Toyota SR5 pickup truck from GTA VC to GTA IV! Update: August 31, 2013 Converted straight from the Back to the Future: Hill Valley mod for GTA Vice City comes Marty McFly's 4x4 truck, as seen in Back to the Future Part III! This truck was converted by RobertBlox within 1 week and features the following: - Color changeable body - Color changeable wheels (separate from body) - Opening doors, hood, and trunk - HQ textures and interior - Toyota badges - Re-made lights - modeled/re-modeled/refined parts - Extra parts -- Truck bed cover -- Boxes in rear bed (2 versions) This mod is NOT YET AVAILABLE! -- I will consider publicly uploading it once permissions are granted EDIT: Sorry for the low-video quality. The original clip is 1280x720, but youtube tends to lower the quality of my uploads... Zmodeler edits update:3 points
By the way, thanks for the reference pictures of your DeLorean, Mike!3 points
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Sorry for the double post Hover lights done, next: Hoverwheels3 points
Wasn't anything personal. Were used to users with multiple accounts here. Assuming you are in fact a seperate person I apologize.3 points
3 points
Here it is!... The moment we've all been waiting for! I present to you, my DeLorean TM version. I tried to get it as film-accurate as possible given my limitations and modeling experience. I also decided to put the real VIN plate of the "A" car on it. (VIN 5261) Special features include: - Removable Plutonium Reactor and "OUTATIME" plate - Removable Mr. Fusion and 2015 plate - Removable lit up Flux bands Enjoy! EDIT: Textures for the rear vents came straight off of the restored "A" car and were edited to look realistic.3 points
Compared to this site's mod team, I am not skilled. The work to create a mod requires far more skill than to edit one.3 points
Sorry, but I am unable to see your video. :/ EDIT: Nevermind, it appears I'm having a connection problem with the Youtube servers. EDIT 2: I just was able to see the video. Nice work! The ironic thing is that I used the same engine sound for my SA mod, but I edited it to incorporate the Porsche 928 engine sound as in the film. Here is actually a showcase video which I was going to post on the forum, but never did because Uokka and I updated the model. At the time, Uokka and I were modifying the Crysis DeLorean to look like the BTTF II version along with having some nice modifications. In particular, these were textures and the process of adding real working lights to the car (as you can see at night). We both always found it a little odd how the rearlamps didn't work on the Crysis conversions. You can also hear the door and engine sound modifications which I've made in the video.3 points
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