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Posts posted by peter

  1. well my pc stopped telling the right time...yeah....effects are movie accurate from what I believe...also I need a hand with the flying stuff...or more to the point of a model for bttf 2 flying delorean but like the crysis delorean....I want the old flying stuff from the mini mod for the normal del's and your flying script uokka for K.A.T.T

  2. Ok guys it's me again umm lets see I got a hold of that shadowrider mod for san andreas

    I thought it could use some edits, I also wanted to fix/improve a few things in this too so over time I will add to this

    this is an unofficial edits/updates thread

    they will be in the form of video with an explanation of what to expect

    I also want feedback from people on here...so have fun as always and if things go well I might port K.A.T.T over to it

    UPDATE 1 30/3/2014


    added K.I.T.T's voice (old kitt's)

    added K.I.3.T's voice ( from the 2008 show)

    Added in K.A.R.R's voice

    Added BTTF 2 delorean with working time circuits

    Added flying bttf 2 delorean along with all cars can fly... the script was by BTTFModMachine and uokka

    also note for BTTFModMachine...I can't seem to get out of flying mode help/fix is needed man

    K.I.3.T C version in the game can turn into the bttf 2 delorean but it cannot time travel due to it not being spawned with the spawn code so no tc's for that delorean but it's the same one and everything that is assigned to 2 on the number line above the key's

    The only bug with this edit is random bleeping noises using the noises from the SA menu and cutscene time travel crashes the game on re-entry

    anyways that's it for update 1 stay tuned for more

    • Like 1

  3. why thank you, errm there is no time circuits for the time train so I'd need to get a hold of some, and the hover script for the time train would be great thanks, so you know the time train is for the coach :P

    took ages to get rogers locamotive and time train because I had to sign up for the russian website :(

  4. Ok guys this is a dedicated thread for updates on my K.A.T.T edit for San andreas

    Have fun everyone and when it gets to a stage of an actual release I will ask permission to release

    I will not put a download link without permission from the people I got the scripts from

    I of course edited scripts and a texture to make K.A.T.T

    I reworked the texture

    I made a custom voice for K.A.T.T

    as of now K.A.T.T has almost no weapons

    now what does K.A.T.T feature?

    A garage to make DeLorean time machines

    Flying mode

    Nuclear bomb

    Time circuits

    Pursuit mode ( makes him go really fast)

    Turbo boost ( makes him jump high)

    A voice

    A re-fillable Mr fusion

    Night vision

    it also features the bttf 1 and III and Railroad DeLorean along with the time train

    Rogers locamotive to push the railroad Delorean

    Custom texture

    so here we go for today then hmm



    Fixed the time machines so they time travel

    added time train and rogers locamotive

    added garage

    scripts and edits by myself, Delorean88MP and BTTFModMachine

    Texture re edit by me

    K.A.T.T voice by me

    I forgot who I got the Crysis DeLoreans from

    * edit*

    I am cutting out SPM mode altogether it is just too much hassle to make a model then figure out how to texture it

    ***** UPDATE 02/04/2014*****


    ( Video is only a preview)

    New texture for K.A.T.T

    Movie accurate effects

    Movie accurate flying ( Thanks uokka)

    Now includes ALL DeLoreans 1-3rr

    K.I.T.T scanner for K.A.T.T

    more to come...any help is appreciated and you will be credited

    **** UPDATE 02/07/2014****


    Time circuits AND time travel enabled for the time train

    Doctor who TARDIS sfx for teleport to marker script

    note : can someone help me with the sound problem for the time train thanks

    ****UPDATE 04/07/2014****


    You can now spawn all the DeLoreans using the numberline ranging from 1 - 6, number 1 - 4 are for the movie DeLoreans

    5 is for the time train and 6 is for KATT

    All DeLoreans minus the RR DeLorean can time travel at 88 MPH

    Time Train sounds fixed (sorta) the door sounds are still DeLorean but sparks sounds do not loop like last time thanks to BTTFModMachine for the help on that one

    Teleport to marker with TARDIS sfx mapped only to KATT

    something I forgot to mention is that the boost sounds and the take off sounds are way too low for some reason

    all Time circuits in this has a multi function mode where you can fly (cheat code version) and float on water (cheat code version)

    I won't be able to use it till the time circuits are fixed and don't crash when I press 0 on the num pad...it activates an old script and tries to turn any Del into the sparrow

    if someone wants to help feel free to edit the script...just ask for it

    **** UPDATE 12/07/2014****


    New sparks for K.A.T.T

    Fixed the 0 on the num pad glitch ( thanks to uokka)

    Added 2nd flying mode for K.A.T.T

    Added float on water

    added fly and float on water as an all in one option

    Fixed the TARDIS (optional thing)

    removed night vision mode (it was a weird thing)

    thanks to DeLorean88mp, uokka, BTTFModMachine and everyone who helped with this

    **** UDATE 23/07/2014****


    Removed secondary flight and swimming modes

    Applied patch so cars do not float away when hit

    Fixed SFX for pursuit mode and turbo boost

    bugs with certain sound SFX

    Each DeLorean used by a different character

    **** UDATE 29/07/2014****


    New sparks and implosion wormhole for K.A.T.T ( More orange over blue)

    New wormhole Exit, yellow, blue then yellow

    updated the sparks and effects on bttf 3 delorean

    off topic stuff

    TARDIS now materialises in front of player

    TARIDS can teleport to the marker on the map

    TARDIS can teleport randomly to any location and time

    gives out sonic screw driver on entry

    proper sfx for TARDIS in flight

    TARDIS thrusts forward at max speed with the push of the left mouse button

    **** UPDATE 6/08/2014****


    Gave K.A.T.T a colour changing wormhole

    merged K.A.T.T with Delorean88mp's mod pack

    added uokka's flying script

    all of this came from a failure yesterday so I'm happy its all working

    **** UDATE 11/08/2014****


    ok to start your mondays off here is a little K.A.T.T update :3
    whats in it this time?

    Telltale bttf 2 delorean
    green wormhole (without editing the effects.fxp) unforunatly its for all Deloreans that use a wormhole implosion

    the white boxes when you turn on KITT's scanner needs some work

    KARR's version needs work too

    Thanks to BTTF KR mode team for KITT and KARR...

    I can't figure out how to make their buttons appear on screen :(

    also if anyone from that modding team reads this please do fix the amazing lag in the game please <3

    its a great mod pack but a lot of bugs

    **** UPDATE 16/08/2014****


    New wormholes for Deloreans 1 through RR

    Green wormhole for K.A.T.T

    More interface stuff for K.I.T.T

    A little bit of interface stuff for K.A.R.R

    K.I.T.T and K.A.R.R have protect mode so they will follow you and can be activated at the same time ( by getting into each car and activating it )

    BTTF1 delorean has white smoke pass by after entering the worm hole

    All DeLoreans including K.A.T.T has their engine turned off after time travel ( it is turned on again by holding down i )

    **** UPDATE 19/08/2014****


    Ok this update is coming in late because the site went down :o

    A second BTTF3 RR delorean assigned to 1 on the number line
    Programists train script ported to K.A.T.T mod pack

    There are a few bugs in this like the trains new model not actually touching the RR del
    in the mini mission the RR del doesn't always time travel at 88MPH
    and when marty says 70 its not synched up with the spedonetre ( might be because I am using delorean88mp's spedometer

    **** UPDATE 02/09/2014****


    Hoverboard (script by puma and model by someone else)
    Crysis bttf 1 DeLorean
    Iced up DeLorean ( thanks to uokka)
    Lybians and new plutonium location
    Docs garage and house by loadgamePL
    New smoke effect when you cutscene timetravel via bttf 1 delorean

    **** UPDATE 07/09/2014****


    I've got a lot planned for you in this episode now whats in this episode?

    keep in mind I broke the game so I had to re-build...not bad eh?

    Dell KARR

    New dmc 12 delorean from forza motorsport 3 with the engine sounds from the delorean in Gran turismo on the psp

    New spawn options for:
    BTTF1 delorean
    BTTF2 delorean

    just ignore the sound glitches it happens

    KATT and KARR both have scanners ( KATT's one is a mistake so he has 2 scanners)

    BTTF1 delorean stays cold for much longer like in the movie

    the other deloreans minus the BTTF1 delorean have their cold.s files restored to what they were before

    **** UDATE 28/09/2014****


    sorry its been a while but I took time off to catch up on anime, manga etc etc and my music remixes :3

    whats new?

    New shade of yellow for K.A.R.R's coils
    New Mr fusion chamber for K.A.R.R
    Whole new interior for K.A.T.T
    New coil colour for K.A.T.T ( two tone black over red)
    A slightly re-textured Teltale delorean ( note for BTTFModMachine and uokka and trance it only looks stainless steel in the shadows and away from sunlight)
    Removed K.A.T.T's scanner and the same for K.A.R.R

    I know there is no implosion for the BTTF2 del but it will get fixed soon enough

    I need to re-add the comet RR del spawn code for the train mini mission thing

    I removed K.A.T.T's scanner and K.A.R.R's scanner along with their knight rider abilities on the basis it majorly glitched out, you'd press + to turn on the time circuits AND the scanner along with its abilities....yeah...will work on that

    **** UPDATE 24/10/2014****


    Ok so you guys know the site was down which stopped me from updating my mod update thread but I have been handy at work re-building the mod pack on this new pc ;)

    A list of new features

    K.A.T.T has new coils
    K.A.R.R has a new timetravel script ( with new effects)
    I introduce the A.I.M car as my test time machine from the A.I.M mod pack
    K.A.T.T has his nuclear bomb back
    K.A.T.T and K.A.R.R have turbo boost
    K.A.R.R has a new set of handling and ide lines
    A.I.M and K.A.R.R have bi-directional wheels, when you handbrake the rear wheels turn in the opposite direction of the front wheels

    I introduce the crysis BTTF3 and BTTF3 RR deloreans with hoverboards inside them

    Doctor who daleks replace the rhino tanks

    **** UPDATE 16/11/2014****


    Hey guys I took a hiatus because I re-built this mod pack again but this time I used modloader as to minimise the bugs.

    Thank uokka for the tip ;)

    ok so what's new?

    I've got a color mod installed so that the red and other colors will shine in the sunlight

    There is a guard tower next to the hanger in the airstrip

    new sparks for all deloreans using sparks.s

    new spark sounds for K.A.T.T.
    new spark sounds for the A.I.M test time machine
    skin selector is back....yay?

    the game would crash instantly as soon as I tried to switch skins but not anymore

    turbo boost and its sound is back (it used to be silent and other commands used it for no reason

    the TARDIS makes a return

    changed K.A.T.T.'s implosion to large explosion

    I hope you guys and gals and timelords/time ladies enjoy this

    not long till a download O_O should I just rar it all up or make it into a torrent??

    **** UPDATE 10/12/2014****


    added a download link to the mod pack

    added tommy lu's updated TARDIS (not included in the pack, an older one is included)

    new TARDIS de-materialization sound ( from tommylu's update and then edited by me)

    replaced the train script back too delorean88mp's

    **** UPDATE 01/01/2015****


    its an unofficial update but I've ported K.A.T.T over to the A.I.M mod pack

    he has a new look, taking over the bttf 1 time machine ( I can't recolour the crysis deloreans properly due to one texture covering a lot of things)

    he has all the same stuff as before

    but the time travel is much more simplified (from the A.I.M pack) just push a single button and go

    dual mini guns that fire

    he can hover

    he can sort of fly

    and I show off tommylu's new TARDIS and stuff

    **** UPDATE 08/01/2015****


    I mess around with some skins

    K.A.T.T has his SPM mode back (with a lovely animation that only adds pieces to the car and does not switch to another model) in the way that I have always wanted.

    I fixed all the coils for the BTTF 1 delroean through too RR delorean

    when the coils lit up their used to be a solid blue colour inside the coils well I removed that so the coils only glow in all the time machines

    I re-textured san andreas, new map etc etc

    added an updated version of tommylu's TARDIS into my pack with k9, psychic paper etc

    also if you download tommylu's current doctor who pack make sure to put it into a clean install and update cleo, I can't use all of the features due to me running cleo

    anyways I think thats it, please enjoy

    ****UPDATE 13/02/2015****


    its been a while cuz I've been ill.....I hate being ill

    I've brought back programmists code for KITT and KARR and I will not distribute it either -_-

    I've re-named the deloreans in docs garage

    I've added text to the blank selection boxes when spawning in K.A.T.T and Delo K.A.R.R

    I think thats it

    have fun

    ****UPDATE 22/06/2015****


    ok I've been away for too long..... but I'm back

    I've made a version of deloK.A.R.R based off his season 3 build

    both deloK.A.R.R's have time circuits and abilities

    removed SPM from K.A.T.T

    • Like 1

  5. So the mod edits are coming along well.... I want an SPM model if someone would like to provide it, I have improved graphics, new time circuits, new sparks ( from the latest source code) slightly edited spawn code all I really need to do now is insert sounds to make K.A.T.T sound more like the delorean

  6. to be fair this is nothing like DeLorean/KITT the only thing in common is the black texture and the time traveling, this is a new car, new voice and new abilities :P I am very proud that I still have this and that I worked so long on it

    • Like 1

  7. it was only copy and paste from the original script...but I'd love to know how to set it to spawn anything I set it too (vehicle wise)

    also for future notice for others adding a vehicle to the spawn script does give them time circuits :P

    one more thing is that I need a model for SPM K.A.T.T