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Posts posted by BTTFTempEx

  1. There is little space in Sunshine Autos to begin with. Also, the parking of the De Lorean is angled because it should for a reason. And, since the De Lorean is one of few that can't be toned down for 0.2f's stability, spawning more De Lorean would just make the mod more unstable.
    1st of all, I am moving doc's truck to twin pines mall in HV, which gives me more space for the tutorial delorean. 2nd of all there has to be a code to change the delorean angle. 3rd of all, idk how that wud make it unstable, but spawning new deloreans and/or filled time machine wouldnt really change much and if I just had the code and/or tutorial i would chnage it and simply return it to the defults if all fails

  2. Hey Coders,

    This is one major problem I have been having with the deloreans that are spawned. The Tutorial Delorean is spawned at sunshine autos, but the angle is different, how would I change that delorean. Also, I would like to spwan more than 2 deloreans or how many are parked in the game! Idk if u just add another code or wat! One more thing I would like to ask is how to spawn either and fully functionally (filled) time machine delorean! This would help alot!

  3. Once again, i need help coding, but as I relplied to Mike, I am just a beginner! As some of you have probably seen my previous 2 posts (which were my very first):

    Plutonium and Lybian Problems

    Start Location-Cannot Enter Vehicles Problems

    Fortunatley, the 2 were resolved (except for the lybian path problems i need to figure out in the near future). I still may need help with

    CUTSCENES (Camera Positioning and more)

    FOLLOWERS (Doc follow Marty, vice versa)

    ADDING MORE TO GXT (What they will say)

    DELETING MISSIONS (delete tutorial and replace it with 1.21 Gigawatts)

    SPAWNED DELOREANS W/ FUEL (inside doc's truck)

    If possible, I can create new codes or use different ones from possibly "the ride" mission. If i am going to do this, I need instruction from those who know how to mod, even though I want to feel like i accomplished something on my own!



  4. That's because there are no paths defined for it.
    Well I was going to make a mission for it, but i will show you the code i already have

    Lybians Spawned at

    -1852.793 597.442 15.239

    Doc's Truck Spawned at

    -1722.1489 515.2863 15.2399

    Plutonium (Behind Doc's Truck, but once hit, triggers Lybians)

    -1715.8 515.41 15.23

    With these codes in mind, how would I path/edit the path do get to "Marty" and/or "Doc" this?

    Just a beginner coder, looking for help :D



    (P.S. How do I make the code boxes smaller? :lol: )

  5. Find the GET thread, it's the Libyan chase and plutonium location. There should be something in there about a location, find it and change it.
    It worked but I am having a problem with the lybians chasing me at the twin pines in hill valley. Maybe it doesnt detect the map? any help

  6. I finally changed these parts of the code

    Spawn Area

    10/26/2008 3:00pm to 10/26/1985 8:00am

    Car Spawn

    but I can't seem to get into any vehicle, especially the spawned delorean! If anyone on the forums that knows how to code, please give me the code or at least what to change on the code!
