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Posts posted by StevenLovBttf

  1. Haven't seen this thread till now.

    How do we know this isn't one of those Anonymous Members Trying To Take Down Our Fourm?

    But still , you said you could give us a reward?

    I want to be the Mayor Of New York City , I want the Real BTTF DeLorean from Universal Studios, A Penny , and a Mega Phone to say this ,


    If he doesn't want to do this , lets put him in the DeLorean , Rip Mr.Fusion Out , and send him back to Jan 01 0000.

    If he comes back we will ban him from America.

    If he comes back , the penny is going up his ----- I've said to much.

    Sorry I HAD to. *Laughing*

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  2. Hey BTTFModMachine, I found something extremly useful, its how to add cars to SA without replacing any cars. http://gtasa.gamebanana.com/tuts/11199 Theres tutorial, now I'll be assuming that if you wish to add car, and make it work with BTTF mod, it would require to re-write every single script, wouldn't it? I guess that would take few weeks, or months. Anyway that was just my crazy idea :P Maybe you could do it in future. Hey I also found this cool script, lets you rename vehicles , so you don't have to mess up American.gxt http://zazmahall.de/ZAZGTASANATORIUM/zazmoddat00100/Custom_Vehicle_Name_Display.htm --------------------------------------------------------------------- *Edit* Hey I'd like to discuss few things that really annoy me, and you should fix them. If you can! and you'd be so kind. 1. You can't tow up any of the Deloreans, nor crysis nor normal models! - Thats damn annoying. 2.Uokkas script is annoying, when you press S you boost backwards, which I think is stupid because you can't heat up the wheels like in the BTTF part 1 movie. 3.You should make wheels heetable in RC and normal modes. 4.Sounds sometimes annoy me, the shift switch sound keeps replaying and replaying (annoying) 5.The train part (where delorean RR gets pushed) is very stupid because, well it should have been done just like in movie, aka The boiler gauge, the explosions, proper sounds. And for crying out loud! Rogers locomotive (Ask LoadgamePL for the model, and stop crying about copyrights or permissions) Look, if someone would FINALLY READ WHAT I Say!! And make DAMN PERFECT mod!! Everybody would be happy! LoadgamePL, Delorean88MP, Mike Ward, guys! Stop crying about permissions!! Make big mod, better then Vice's version!! If you guys could do it, every one who loves BTTF, GTA's would download it. And Im pretty sure people would donate, if you could release something FANTASTIC! Complete Re-Creation of BTTF from every mod there is, cars, guns, (maybe later missions) Cmon people! Be awesome, creative. Please listen to me for once! I could try to help.
    Okay , First Thing. WOAH! It's not like they try to do this on purpose you know. And they need permissions in order to mod/edit/post someone else's work. You have to be patient. It's not like you can say "Oh Yay Me! I created a mod and it works Perfectly!". There are little bumps along the way you have to avoid. Remember Practice Makes Perfect. -Steve
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  3. I miss my computer so much right now.... BTTFMOD , for my Telltale Movie do u think you can give me the link for your Doc Follow Script Please? Since I am currently at an older Genration Dell Desktop , it can't handle much games. Only game on there is VC and it sucks. My computer is a new 2014 Genration Dell Laptop. It can handle a lot of games! Exp. Call Of Duty , GTA VC , GTA SA , GTA V , and GTA V when it comes out for PC.

  4. Also they found the guy who hit my car. His name is Martin Rodriguez. He left to Mexico 3 Days after he hit my car. The police were nice enough to give me money to Fix The DeLorean and the BTTF Parts. The only thing that was salvageable from the wreck was the TCD. It still looks okay but the Destination Time and Present Time Are Stuck at July 6 1567 34:21. It's gonna take me another 2,000 to fix this.

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  5. I was working on my DeLorean to convert it into a BTTF DeLorean Time Machine. I was 70% Done with it. I had the Plans for the TCD and Flux Compacitor , etc. Unfortunally , I was Driving it to my Friends house so that we could finish it and the DeLorean Was Hit By An Oncoming car. This was the accident I told you guys in topic "BTTF THE GAME THE NEXT PHASE". The plans for the Speedometer , TCD , And Flux Compacitor were in the back of the car hidden underneath Mr.Fusion. When it got hit , the back of the DeLorean got ruined and the plans were destroyed.

    So Here is my question,

    Is there anyone here who might be able to help me out by giving me the Plans and Parts for the TCD , Speedometer , or Flux Compacitor?

    It would be a really big help.


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  6. Good News! BTTF The Game Episode 6 BackInTime Is Now In Production Again! I have healed the parts that hurt me in my accident (My DeLorean is totally jacked up). So Until September 2 A Trailer Will Be In Production for those fans that almost fall out of there seats. Until Next Time I will see You In The Future....Or The Past! -S

    • Like 1

  7. Nice, but who is Bruce? :o It also couldn't be this car, I haven't released it; however, the model is finished! :) Now to make a BTTF version...
    His name is Brucie Kibbutz. He has the BTTF DeLorean in a cutscene where nico comes into his house you can see the DeLorean behind the Sofa If you look very closely. If you can't find it , look for Mr.Fusion.
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