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Posts posted by bluespace88

  1. the attach object thing is more of a graphical engine thing, so no, it won't be added. And since it doesn't change limits or how particles work, sparks won't be better either.

    All CLEO really did in the first place was provide an easy way of memory hacking using scm coding. A lot of the less complicated codes can be accomplished using mem hacks.

  2. We will try but as I said , we can't put a lot of particles ... We have 7 particles , and sometimes 8 particles for the chevrons , the kawoosh has 3-4 particles . But if you put for example ... I don't know ...26 particles on the kawoosh , it wont be good for the bad PCs ...

    The BTTF2 Delorean is using 98 particles for the coils, and then factor in the coils and its in the couple hundreds in use all at once. Whats even harder is that the Delorean itself is moving as well, so it has to constantly be loading models, but at any single point during time travel, there are over 100 particles on the screen. And if you're restricting your work because you want to keep it workable for those with low spec machines, thats bad because you're not realizing the full potential of SA.

  3. Yes I have. In fact, I made one myself. I know more about rs232 and rs422 chips then you think, seeing as I've had to develop those interfaces for the hardware I've worked on.

    You said usb's faster. rs232 to usb runs at rs232 speeds. I assume you're talking about direct usb connections. I reply it won't help. Doesn't help that the processor runs at 1mhz either. As far as my original answer was concerned, you were talking about pure usb, not rs232 to usb.