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Posts posted by Ziero

  1. I was watching BTTF 3 today and suddenly and idea came to me. Would it at all be possible to, lets say, import things like animations, models, and texures from a different Rockstar game? I ask this because if it is possible, in any way, then maybe stuff from Gun or Read Dead Revolver or Red Dead Redemption could be used. (Sorry if I got the names wrong or something, typing quickly and don't want to lose the idea, lol). That would be cool if possible, then it would probably solve the problems with horses and stuff. I know it will be a long time until any work for part 3 is done, but I had the idea now, I'm sure you guys understand how that goes.

  2. Also note that there never was an occurrence of steam once the TM had Mr. Fusion, see the rest of the trilogy. I believe that somehow Mr. Fusion did in fact "vent" but it was never seen, possibly because its exhaust was the same (or similar) temp of its surrounding environment, and it was probably not a "forced" venting (unlike BTTF 1 TM, where the exhaust seeming to be forced out of the vents) therefore we never heard it venting. But I don't know, just thinking out loud...