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Posts posted by Mr.Kocher

  1. Dude that's so true. He did he same thing with me, but why?, if something of mine was to be included into the bttf mod I would be honored, there would be no reason for me to demand something since I would already be happy.

  2. After living in the shadows of my siblings and having expectations from them I finally expressed my feelings towards that kind of situation, I get punished, I don't like American mentality and have come to like the latin mentality, but now that I expressed how I felt about my situaton my latin brothers wont take me or help me fix my problems. For now on I'm not of any race I'm just Andrew James Kocher. :(

  3. ya that was a hidden thing for the 2015 court house square users to find, but it wasn't meant to be located there, it was gonna be be connected to the mansion, but sadly the entire map add on has to be canceled because my computer crashed and all of my data was lost, and when I say all I mean ALL the data, everything on my computer. Very sorry about this.