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Posts posted by ~Leaf~

  1. nope cant have my graphics card,thanks for the support,the animations are inccluded in SAiVC

    edit: and i have know idea about the requirements

    All you really did was replace vice city maps with sa maps and change the loading screen.

    bulls**t i had to fix everything you try to throw a f***ing scm in there it will crash!

  2. I know its double posting and off-topic but I really would like to say some things.

    Today I found out MJF's birth day is one day before mine, Marty McFly's birthday is two days after mine.

    I read The Great Escape and I finished it today, and I decided to look at my school agenda. I flip to a random page which happens to have my handwriting on it and is page 111. On it a quote that is from Winston Churchill, who is related to someone that was a part of the real-life story, the Great Escape. I also found ANOTHER quote on my refrigerator calendar from Winston Churchill. what th- *boom*?

    wth does that have to do with anything? and theres a thing called edit