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Posts posted by Mark

  1. With your real drawing, my (first three) don't look right :s. Can't you teach me? (A). Perhapts on msn or so? I have a electric pencil. So?

    Well I really don't have the time to teach, and I don't think I would be much good anyway, sorry. I have never used an electric pencil so I wouldn't be able to offer any help with that. I am not saying I am excellent at drawing but I could give you a little advice that might help.

    I learned quite a lot at school but there are some good tutorials on YouTube, just search for 'Drawing Tutorial' or something similar. I think your drawings need a more varied use of tone and less hard lines. Try doing the line very lightly and use tone to show the shape and form, blending in the dark lines around the outside, etc. Hope this helps.

  2. Guys, just to know, I think I can animate stuff for the mod, I have been learning and getting good, I know how to put them in GTA SA, but I think it can also be done in GTA VC. I put up an example in a little while. I use a program called endorphin, and the GTA SA Biohazzard is using it.

    We already have a rigger/animator, Dragon King, and he is a better one than you could ever be.

  3. I haven't seen Mark online to speak to, so I guess he's busy with school at the moment.

    Got that right :P Just finished my Standard Grade Credit Maths and English, but I have to wait until August for the results. The 'Exam Buzz' will be over in a week or so, catch you on msn around then.

  4. What about the one where Ross buys Phoebe a new bike and at the end when Phoebe manages to learn to ride the bike, Ross is like: "You were the one who conquered your fears." Then Phoebe is like: "This isn't a cheesy after-school special." What TT said reminds me of that.

  5. It is RocketDock.

    @Mark if I want to add a new icon I'll just make the current ones smaller.

    Oh sorry. Didn't look like you had RocketDock because I couldn't see the dock, you must of made it invisible or something. It isn't like my lightsaber one that is really easy to see.

    @iProton: :o Your desktop is soo cool!