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Posts posted by the1upDude

  1. and i don't understand number 2

    You say that you lose weight every day and then you say "Is there something wrong with me".

    Are you saying you think that you want to stop losing weight? I'm confused...

  2. This reminds me of the Animal Crossing stories I had made on a unofficial Nintendo forum.

    The stories were crap, but fun to make. Everyone, or should I say, the several only members of the forum made their own chapter contributing to the story. I would bring the entire thing up, but I think that would be dumb.

    Nice comic!

    "Nerd Rage" lol You guys got that right.

  3. Halo 2 and most other original xbox games will be taken of LIVE in 5 days, so how will you be able to play them online again?

    "XBConnect is software that runs on your PC and will let you play Microsoft Xbox/360 games and Sony PSP games with players from around the world. Imagine plugging your Xbox/360 or PSP into a LAN that went around the planet. Load up Halo, Halo 2, Rainbow Six 3 or any other compatible game and you can play with people all over the world. Thats what we do for you. You don't have to pay for expensive online gaming services anymore. Gone are the days of being stuck with career modes. If you got a PC, broad band internet and a game console, then all you need is XBConnect. So what are you waiting for? Get XBConnect and get your Xbox, 360 and PSP online today!" - welcome message from XBConnect.com.

    As said in the previous paragraph, XBConnect lets you play online through both Xbox and Xbox 360 games. Games like Halo, Halo 2, Borderlands, and Modern Warfare 2 can be used through System Link to play with gamers around the world. What XBConnect does is it finds your Xbox on your network (while in System Link mode) and connects it to its servers, tricking the Xbox as if it were on a LAN.

    Even though I will sound corny when I say this, XBConnect is free, legal, and is compatible with many Xbox, Xbox 360, and PSP games. Just download here on the website, create an account/sign in, and follow the steps in the program to play!


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    On my GT I have in my bio and explanation also for XBConnect. If you want to, I have MW2, Halo 2, and Borderlands to play you on XBConnect. Also, there aren't as many members on XBConnect daily so ask your friends to play with each other in H2, Halo, or any game when you can't play originals on Xbox LIVE.

  4. How about -10 for being the best admin there could ever be?

    He's online most of the time and keeps whiners and pointless-post ... posters off of the forums.

    Gee, I hope you are kidding. Like what both angeloelibz24 and backtothedelorean said, it was a joke.th


    Nevermind. I gave myself the double facepalm. Maybe a trollface or two might help. :lol:

  5. I know its double posting and off-topic but I really would like to say some things.

    Today I found out MJF's birth day is one day before mine, Marty McFly's birthday is two days after mine.

    I read The Great Escape and I finished it today, and I decided to look at my school agenda. I flip to a random page which happens to have my handwriting on it and is page 111. On it a quote that is from Winston Churchill, who is related to someone that was a part of the real-life story, the Great Escape. I also found ANOTHER quote on my refrigerator calendar from Winston Churchill. what th- *boom*?