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Posts posted by TheCoolest2

  1. This was post by the BUKKIT Devs, I don't think they send out viruses :P

    We’ve been in Seattle for three days now. The first day was just arriving and eating lunch before crashing in bed. The next two days were meetings and planning with Microsoft, working out some details for the XBox version of Minecraft and getting to know their team a bit better. Today, we did a brief drop-by at Bungie to say hi (but not to Valve! Why not? I miss those guys), then went to the PAX floor to help Elin, Lydia, Vu and a couple of volunteers to help finish up the last details. While doing so, we found a couple of bugs in the 1.8 demo and I had to do some live bug fixing right there.

    PAX starts tomorrow, and it’s going to be awesome. If you’re there, please come check out our booth at the sixth floor, we’re very proud of it.

    Good night,


    They said 1.8 will be released after PAX, Does that mean in a few days 1.8 is coming out?? :D :D :D

  2. So I'm looking for a .class file list to see what each .class is for, when I stumble across this and


    So I see if my friends account is hacked, nope, then I put in mine what th- *boom*??

    Account 'TheCoolest2' found!

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    If you believe you may have information on how your account was compromised, please send me an email so that I may investigate it further. Please do not contact me to remove your name from this list or reset your password. If you have lost total control of your account, please contact Mojang.

    Account History

    Username Date Reported # of Accounts

    thecoolest2 March 17, 2011 439 accounts

  3. Ok, if you don't like how the team is handling things, go make your own mod. I think they are doing well. Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I think they are doing good. Be in mind there are things you don't see, and they are also working on other things. They are doing hard work and they want it to be perfect so they will be proud of their work, they know when its ready. And the part about less minecraft, first off they are not slaves, they are entitled to relax and have some free time. They have lives you know. Like a job, and maybe a girlfriend. Who knows if one of their relatives is sick. Good day indeed