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Posts posted by 007

  1. yeah the coolest 2 i forgot the rule of not putting other peoples things in i put in the generic from the models folder that had better roads and i put that in. if its ok with mike could i take that out and upload it again??

    and the coolist2 have u got that guide on how to make KARR

  2. This adds a couple more things to hill valley like glass on building police/fire stations and a few other things.

    To get there on the way instead of going on the black road go right to the billboards heres the *** URL removed *** there will be another release soon



    create_thread @SCAN

    create_thread @WEAPON

    create_thread @KNIGHT

    create_thread @PURSUIT

    create_thread @AUTO_D

    create_thread @EJECT


    thread 'SCAN'


    wait 10



    else_jump @SCAN_10


    00DE: player $PLAYER_CHAR driving_vehicle_type #BFINJECT

    else_jump @SCAN_10


    $AUTOCRUISE == 0 // integer values

    else_jump @SCAN_224

    040D: unload_wav 1


    14@ == 0 // integer values

    else_jump @SCAN_115

    03CF: load_wav 'FUD_12' as 1

    14@ = 1 // integer values

    jump @SCAN_127


    03CF: load_wav 'FUD_18' as 1


    wait 0


    03D0: wav 1 loaded

    else_jump @SCAN_127

    03D1: play_wav 1


    wait 200


    00E0: player $PLAYER_CHAR driving

    else_jump @SCAN_197

    if and

    83D2: not wav 1 ended

    03D0: wav 1 loaded

    else_jump @SCAN_197

    jump @SCAN_150


    040D: unload_wav 1


    wait 10


    00DE: player $PLAYER_CHAR driving_vehicle_type #BFINJECT

    else_jump @SCAN_10


    wait 10



    else_jump @SCAN_10


    $SPM == 0 // integer values

    else_jump @SCAN_224


    00DE: player $PLAYER_CHAR driving_vehicle_type #BFINJECT

    else_jump @SCAN_201

    03C1: 0@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR car

    0407: create_coordinate 5@ 6@ 7@ from_car 0@ offset -10.0 -10.0 0.0

    0407: create_coordinate 9@ 10@ 11@ from_car 0@ offset 10.0 10.0 0.0

    053E: 12@ = get_random_car_with_actors -1 in_area 5@ 6@ 9@ 10@


    not Car.Wrecked(12@)

    else_jump @SCAN_416

    if and

    8185: not car 12@ health >= 990

    not Car.Model(12@) == #BFINJECT

    else_jump @SCAN_416

    gosub @SCAN_1208


    gosub @SCAN_782

    if and

    00E1: key_pressed 0 3

    00E1: key_pressed 0 18

    else_jump @SCAN_224


    wait 10

    if and

    00E1: key_pressed 0 3

    00E1: key_pressed 0 18

    else_jump @SCAN_480

    jump @SCAN_446


    if or

    03D2: wav 1 ended

    83D0: not wav 1 loaded

    else_jump @SCAN_515

    040D: unload_wav 1

    03CF: load_wav 'FUD_19' as 1


    wait 10



    else_jump @SCAN_224


    00DE: player $PLAYER_CHAR driving_vehicle_type #BFINJECT

    else_jump @SCAN_515

    03D1: play_wav 1

    if and

    00E1: key_pressed 0 3

    00E1: key_pressed 0 18

    else_jump @SCAN_588

    jump @SCAN_737


    03C1: 0@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR car

    0407: create_coordinate 5@ 6@ 7@ from_car 0@ offset -10.0 -10.0 0.0

    0407: create_coordinate 9@ 10@ 11@ from_car 0@ offset 10.0 10.0 0.0

    053E: 12@ = get_random_car_with_actors -1 in_area 5@ 6@ 9@ 10@


    not Car.Wrecked(12@)

    else_jump @SCAN_723

    if and

    8185: not car 12@ health >= 990

    not Car.Model(12@) == #BFINJECT

    else_jump @SCAN_723

    gosub @SCAN_1208


    gosub @SCAN_782

    jump @SCAN_480


    wait 0

    if or

    80E1: not key_pressed 0 3

    80E1: not key_pressed 0 18

    else_jump @SCAN_737

    $SCAN = 0 // integer values

    040D: unload_wav 1

    jump @SCAN_224


    0209: 5@ = random_int 1 2000

    0208: 6@ = random_float 0.0 100.0


    5@ == 1000 // integer values

    else_jump @SCAN_1206

    040D: unload_wav 1


    not 6@ > 87.5 // floating-point values

    else_jump @SCAN_996


    not 6@ > 75.0 // floating-point values

    else_jump @SCAN_1015


    not 6@ > 62.5 // floating-point values

    else_jump @SCAN_1034


    not 6@ > 50.0 // floating-point values

    else_jump @SCAN_1053


    not 6@ > 37.5 // floating-point values

    else_jump @SCAN_1072


    not 6@ > 25.0 // floating-point values

    else_jump @SCAN_1091


    not 6@ > 12.5 // floating-point values

    else_jump @SCAN_1110

    03CF: load_wav 'FUD_14' as 1

    jump @SCAN_1129


    03CF: load_wav 'FUD_03' as 1

    jump @SCAN_1129


    03CF: load_wav 'FUD_05' as 1

    jump @SCAN_1129


    03CF: load_wav 'FUD_06' as 1

    jump @SCAN_1129


    03CF: load_wav 'FUD_07' as 1

    jump @SCAN_1129


    03CF: load_wav 'GIMM_01' as 1

    jump @SCAN_1129


    03CF: load_wav 'FUD_08' as 1

    jump @SCAN_1129


    03CF: load_wav 'FUD_09' as 1

    jump @SCAN_1129


    wait 0


    03D0: wav 1 loaded

    else_jump @SCAN_1129

    03D1: play_wav 1


    wait 200


    00DE: player $PLAYER_CHAR driving_vehicle_type #BFINJECT

    else_jump @SCAN_1202

    if and

    83D2: not wav 1 ended

    03D0: wav 1 loaded

    else_jump @SCAN_1202

    jump @SCAN_1152


    040D: unload_wav 1




    0209: 5@ = random_int 1 1000

    0208: 6@ = random_float 0.0 100.0


    5@ == 500 // integer values

    else_jump @SCAN_1206

    040D: unload_wav 1


    6@ > 50.0 // floating-point values

    else_jump @SCAN_1296

    03CF: load_wav 'FUD_13' as 1

    jump @SCAN_1308


    03CF: load_wav 'FUD_15' as 1


    wait 0


    03D0: wav 1 loaded

    else_jump @SCAN_1308

    03D1: play_wav 1


    wait 200


    00DE: player $PLAYER_CHAR driving_vehicle_type #BFINJECT

    else_jump @SCAN_1381

    if and

    83D2: not wav 1 ended

    03D0: wav 1 loaded

    else_jump @SCAN_1381

    jump @SCAN_1331


    040D: unload_wav 1



    thread 'EJECT'


    wait 10



    else_jump @EJECT_10


    00DE: player $PLAYER_CHAR driving_vehicle_type #BFINJECT

    else_jump @EJECT_10

    03C1: 1@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR car

    if and

    00E1: key_pressed 0 6

    00E1: key_pressed 0 3

    else_jump @EJECT_10

    0407: create_coordinate 2@ 3@ 4@ from_car 1@ offset 0.0 0.0 1.0

    0087: 5@ = 4@ // floating-point values only

    5@ += 5.0 // floating-point values

    02AB: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR immunities 1 1 1 1 1

    012A: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR at 2@ 3@ 4@ and_remove_from_car


    wait 10

    4@ += 0.5 // floating-point values

    0055: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR at 2@ 3@ 4@


    0025: 4@ > 5@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    else_jump @EJECT_156

    wait 1000

    02AB: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR immunities 0 0 0 0 0

    jump @EJECT_10


    thread 'WEAPON'


    wait 10



    else_jump @WEAPON_10


    00DE: player $PLAYER_CHAR driving_vehicle_type #BFINJECT

    else_jump @WEAPON_10


    $AUTOCRUISE == 0 // integer values

    else_jump @WEAPON_10


    00E1: key_pressed 0 2

    else_jump @WEAPON_262

    $WEAPON += 1 // integer values


    $WEAPON == 1 // integer values

    else_jump @WEAPON_131

    00BC: text_highpriority 'MJAM' 1000 ms 1 // Microjam

    jump @WEAPON_258



    $WEAPON == 2 // integer values

    else_jump @WEAPON_171

    00BC: text_highpriority 'KLASER' 1000 ms 1 // Laser

    jump @WEAPON_258



    $WEAPON == 3 // integer values

    else_jump @WEAPON_211

    00BC: text_highpriority 'ROCKET' 1000 ms 1 // Rocket Launcher

    jump @WEAPON_258



    $WEAPON > 3 // integer values

    else_jump @WEAPON_258

    $WEAPON = 0 // integer values

    00BC: text_highpriority 'KOFF' 1000 ms 1 // Weapons Disabled

    jump @WEAPON_258


    wait 100



    00E1: key_pressed 0 4

    else_jump @WEAPON_10


    $WEAPON == 0 // integer values

    else_jump @WEAPON_304

    jump @WEAPON_10



    $WEAPON == 1 // integer values

    else_jump @WEAPON_329

    jump @WEAPON_379



    $WEAPON == 2 // integer values

    else_jump @WEAPON_354

    jump @WEAPON_394



    $WEAPON == 3 // integer values

    else_jump @WEAPON_10

    jump @WEAPON_409


    create_thread @EMPS

    jump @WEAPON_424


    create_thread @LASERS

    jump @WEAPON_424


    create_thread @ROCKET

    jump @WEAPON_424




    thread 'EMPS'

    03C1: 1@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR car

    8@ = -1 // integer values

    0407: create_coordinate 2@ 3@ 4@ from_car 1@ offset -1.5 0.0 0.0

    0407: create_coordinate 5@ 6@ 7@ from_car 1@ offset 1.5 25.0 0.0

    053E: 8@ = get_random_car_with_actors -1 in_area 2@ 3@ 5@ 6@


    not 8@ == -1 // integer values

    else_jump @EMPS_210


    not Car.Model(8@) == #BFINJECT

    else_jump @EMPS_210

    03CF: load_wav 'FUD_04' as 2


    wait 0


    03D0: wav 2 loaded

    else_jump @EMPS_151

    03D1: play_wav 2

    Car.SetMaxSpeed(8@, 0.0)

    0477: set_car 8@ animation 5 3600000 ms

    02D4: car 8@ turn_off_engine

    wait 2500

    040D: unload_wav 2


    create_thread @WEAPON



    thread 'LASERS'

    03C1: 1@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR car

    03CF: load_wav 'FUD_10' as 2


    wait 0


    03D0: wav 2 loaded

    else_jump @LASERS_30

    03D1: play_wav 2

    0407: create_coordinate 2@ 3@ 4@ from_car 1@ offset -10.0 2.5 -0.25

    0407: create_coordinate 5@ 6@ 7@ from_car 1@ offset 10.0 150.0 -0.25

    8@ = -1 // integer values

    053E: 8@ = get_random_car_with_actors -1 in_area 2@ 3@ 5@ 6@


    not 8@ == -1 // integer values

    else_jump @LASERS_244

    if and

    80DC: not player $PLAYER_CHAR driving 8@

    not Car.Wrecked(8@)

    else_jump @LASERS_244

    0407: create_coordinate 2@ 3@ 4@ from_car 1@ offset 0.0 2.5 -0.25

    0407: create_coordinate 5@ 6@ 7@ from_car 8@ offset 0.0 0.0 -0.25

    jump @LASERS_302


    0407: create_coordinate 2@ 3@ 4@ from_car 1@ offset 0.0 2.5 -0.25

    0407: create_coordinate 5@ 6@ 7@ from_car 1@ offset 0.0 150.0 -0.25


    0509: 9@ = distance between point 2@ 3@ and point 5@ 6@

    02E3: 10@ = car 1@ speed

    10@ /= 40.0 // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    10@ += 0.5 // floating-point values

    0063: 5@ -= 2@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    0063: 6@ -= 3@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    0063: 7@ -= 4@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    0087: 12@ = 5@ // floating-point values only

    0087: 13@ = 6@ // floating-point values only

    0087: 14@ = 7@ // floating-point values only

    0073: 12@ /= 9@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    0073: 13@ /= 9@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    0073: 14@ /= 9@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    0011: 12@ *= 10@ // floating-point values // Note: the incorrect math opcode was used here

    0011: 13@ *= 10@ // floating-point values // Note: the incorrect math opcode was used here

    0011: 14@ *= 10@ // floating-point values // Note: the incorrect math opcode was used here

    9@ *= 2.0 // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    0073: 5@ /= 9@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    0073: 6@ /= 9@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    0073: 7@ /= 9@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    9@ = 300.0 // floating-point values


    wait 0


    9@ > 0.0 // floating-point values

    else_jump @LASERS_879

    9@ -= 15.0 // floating-point values

    gosub @LASERS_634

    gosub @LASERS_634

    gosub @LASERS_634

    gosub @LASERS_634

    gosub @LASERS_634

    gosub @LASERS_634

    gosub @LASERS_634

    gosub @LASERS_634

    gosub @LASERS_634

    gosub @LASERS_634

    gosub @LASERS_634

    gosub @LASERS_634

    gosub @LASERS_634

    gosub @LASERS_634

    gosub @LASERS_634

    jump @LASERS_487


    005B: 2@ += 5@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    005B: 3@ += 6@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    005B: 4@ += 7@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    0437: scatter_particle 0 0.05 at 2@ 3@ 4@ 12@ 13@ 14@

    0087: 0@ = 2@ // floating-point values only

    0087: 1@ = 3@ // floating-point values only

    0087: 10@ = 2@ // floating-point values only

    0087: 11@ = 3@ // floating-point values only

    0@ += 1.5 // floating-point values

    1@ += 1.5 // floating-point values

    10@ -= 1.5 // floating-point values

    11@ -= 1.5 // floating-point values

    8@ = -1 // integer values

    053E: 8@ = get_random_car_with_actors -1 in_area 0@ 1@ 10@ 11@


    not 8@ == -1 // integer values

    else_jump @LASERS_893

    if and

    not Car.Model(8@) == #BFINJECT

    not Car.Wrecked(8@)

    else_jump @LASERS_893


    01AF: car 8@ 0 2@ 3@ 4@ radius 1.5 1.5 1.5

    else_jump @LASERS_893

    020B: explode_car 8@

    jump @LASERS_879


    040D: unload_wav 2

    create_thread @WEAPON





    thread 'ROCKET'

    03CF: load_wav 'FUD_20' as 2

    wait 0

    14@ = 0 // integer values

    9@ = 0.0 // floating-point values

    03C1: 1@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR car

    if or

    80E1: not key_pressed 0 5

    80E1: not key_pressed 0 7

    else_jump @ROCKET_139

    0407: create_coordinate 2@ 3@ 4@ from_car 1@ offset -5.0 2.0 0.0

    0407: create_coordinate 5@ 6@ 7@ from_car 1@ offset 5.0 100.0 0.0

    jump @ROCKET_197


    0407: create_coordinate 2@ 3@ 4@ from_car 1@ offset -5.0 -2.0 0.0

    0407: create_coordinate 5@ 6@ 7@ from_car 1@ offset 5.0 -100.0 0.0


    8@ = -1 // integer values

    053E: 8@ = get_random_car_with_actors -1 in_area 2@ 3@ 5@ 6@

    02E3: 13@ = car 1@ speed

    13@ /= 40.0 // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    13@ += 2.0 // floating-point values


    wait 0


    03D0: wav 2 loaded

    else_jump @ROCKET_251

    03D1: play_wav 2

    0407: create_coordinate 2@ 3@ 4@ from_car 1@ offset 0.0 -2.0 0.0

    if and

    80DC: not player $PLAYER_CHAR driving 8@

    not Car.Wrecked(8@)

    else_jump @ROCKET_455

    0@ = 1 // integer values

    16@ = 0 // integer values


    wait 10

    if and

    not 16@ > 5000 // integer values

    81AF: not car 8@ 0 2@ 3@ 4@ radius 1.5 1.5 1.5

    else_jump @ROCKET_1053

    0407: create_coordinate 5@ 6@ 7@ from_car 8@ offset 0.0 0.0 0.0

    0509: 9@ = distance between point 2@ 3@ and point 5@ 6@

    gosub @ROCKET_617

    jump @ROCKET_341


    0@ = 0 // integer values

    jump @ROCKET_505


    0407: create_coordinate 5@ 6@ 7@ from_car 1@ offset 0.0 -100.0 0.0

    jump @ROCKET_557


    if or

    80E1: not key_pressed 0 5

    80E1: not key_pressed 0 7

    else_jump @ROCKET_469

    0407: create_coordinate 5@ 6@ 7@ from_car 1@ offset 0.0 100.0 0.0


    wait 10


    not 14@ > 30 // integer values

    else_jump @ROCKET_1053

    0509: 9@ = distance between point 2@ 3@ and point 5@ 6@

    gosub @ROCKET_617

    14@ += 1 // integer values

    jump @ROCKET_557


    0087: 10@ = 5@ // floating-point values only

    0087: 11@ = 6@ // floating-point values only

    0087: 12@ = 7@ // floating-point values only

    0063: 10@ -= 2@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    0063: 11@ -= 3@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    0063: 12@ -= 4@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    0073: 10@ /= 9@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    0073: 11@ /= 9@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    0073: 12@ /= 9@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    0069: 10@ *= 13@ // floating-point values

    0069: 11@ *= 13@ // floating-point values

    0069: 12@ *= 13@ // floating-point values

    005B: 2@ += 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    005B: 3@ += 11@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    005B: 4@ += 12@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    0437: scatter_particle 75 1.0 at 2@ 3@ 4@ 0 0 0

    04D5: create_corona_at 2@ 3@ 4@ radius 2.0 type 1 flare 1 RGB 255 255 255

    0087: 10@ = 2@ // floating-point values only

    0087: 11@ = 3@ // floating-point values only

    0087: 12@ = 2@ // floating-point values only

    0087: 15@ = 3@ // floating-point values only

    10@ += 10.0 // floating-point values

    11@ += 10.0 // floating-point values

    12@ -= 10.0 // floating-point values

    15@ -= 10.0 // floating-point values

    02CE: 9@ = ground_z 2@ 3@ 4@


    not 9@ == -1 // integer values

    else_jump @ROCKET_1053

    9@ = -1 // integer values

    053E: 9@ = get_random_car_with_actors -1 in_area 10@ 11@ 12@ 15@


    not 9@ == -1 // integer values

    else_jump @ROCKET_1051

    if and

    80DC: not player $PLAYER_CHAR driving 9@

    not Car.Wrecked(9@)

    else_jump @ROCKET_1051


    01AF: car 9@ 0 2@ 3@ 4@ radius 1.5 1.5 1.5

    else_jump @ROCKET_1011

    jump @ROCKET_1053



    0@ == 0 // integer values

    else_jump @ROCKET_1051

    0@ = 1 // integer values

    0085: 8@ = 9@ // integer values and handles

    jump @ROCKET_341




    040D: unload_wav 2

    020C: create_explosion_with_radius 10 at 2@ 3@ 4@

    0565: create_temporary_explosion_fire 2@ 3@ 4@ 10

    wait 100

    create_thread @WEAPON



    thread 'PURSUIT'


    wait 10



    else_jump @PURSUIT_10


    00DE: player $PLAYER_CHAR driving_vehicle_type #BFINJECT

    else_jump @PURSUIT_10

    03C1: 0@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR car

    if or

    80E1: not key_pressed 0 3

    00E1: key_pressed 0 17

    else_jump @PURSUIT_376


    $AUTODRIVE == 0 // integer values

    else_jump @PURSUIT_237

    1@ = 100 // integer values

    2@ = 255 // integer values

    3@ = 50 // integer values

    gosub @AUTO_D_1171

    033F: set_text_draw_letter_width_height 7.5 25.0

    03E4: set_text_draw_align_right 1

    033E: text_draw 500.0 1.0 'PLIGHT' // .

    1@ = 255 // integer values

    2@ = 255 // integer values

    3@ = 255 // integer values

    gosub @AUTO_D_1171

    03E4: set_text_draw_align_right 1

    033F: set_text_draw_letter_width_height 0.25 1.0

    033E: text_draw 485.0 176.0 'NCRUISE' // N.C.

    jump @PURSUIT_10


    1@ = 100 // integer values

    2@ = 255 // integer values

    3@ = 50 // integer values

    gosub @AUTO_D_1171

    033F: set_text_draw_letter_width_height 7.5 25.0

    03E4: set_text_draw_align_right 1

    033E: text_draw 550.0 1.0 'PLIGHT' // .

    1@ = 255 // integer values

    2@ = 255 // integer values

    3@ = 255 // integer values

    gosub @AUTO_D_1171

    03E4: set_text_draw_align_right 1

    033F: set_text_draw_letter_width_height 0.25 1.0

    033E: text_draw 535.0 176.0 'ACRUISE' // A.C.

    jump @PURSUIT_10



    $AUTODRIVE == 0 // integer values

    else_jump @PURSUIT_10

    end_thread_named 'WEAPON'

    040D: unload_wav 2

    03CF: load_wav 'FUD_17' as 2


    wait 0


    03D0: wav 2 loaded

    else_jump @PURSUIT_420

    03D1: play_wav 2


    wait 0

    if and


    not Car.Wrecked(0@)

    else_jump @PURSUIT_776


    00E0: player $PLAYER_CHAR driving

    else_jump @PURSUIT_776


    00E1: key_pressed 0 3

    else_jump @PURSUIT_776

    1@ = 255 // integer values

    2@ = 200 // integer values

    3@ = 50 // integer values

    gosub @AUTO_D_1171

    033F: set_text_draw_letter_width_height 7.5 25.0

    03E4: set_text_draw_align_right 1

    033E: text_draw 550.0 1.0 'PLIGHT' // .

    1@ = 255 // integer values

    2@ = 255 // integer values

    3@ = 255 // integer values

    gosub @AUTO_D_1171

    03E4: set_text_draw_align_right 1

    033F: set_text_draw_letter_width_height 0.25 1.0

    033E: text_draw 534.0 176.0 'PURSUIT' // P.M.

    02E3: 4@ = car 0@ speed


    4@ > 15.0 // floating-point values

    else_jump @PURSUIT_711

    4@ *= 1.225 // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)


    4@ > 196.25 // floating-point values

    else_jump @PURSUIT_721

    4@ = 196.25 // floating-point values

    jump @PURSUIT_721


    4@ += 5.0 // floating-point values


    if and

    81F3: not car 0@ airborne

    81F4: not car 0@ flipped

    else_jump @PURSUIT_443

    04BA: set_car 0@ speed_instantly 4@



    03D2: wav 2 ended

    else_jump @PURSUIT_443

    jump @PURSUIT_376


    create_thread @WEAPON

    040D: unload_wav 2

    jump @PURSUIT_10


    thread 'KNIGHT'


    wait 10



    else_jump @KNIGHT_10

    if or

    00E0: player $PLAYER_CHAR driving

    80E1: not key_pressed 0 16

    80E1: not key_pressed 0 18

    else_jump @KNIGHT_184


    not Car.Wrecked(0@)

    else_jump @KNIGHT_150

    Car.Health(0@) = 2000

    Car.SetImmunities(0@, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)

    053F: set_car 0@ tires_vulnerable 0

    if and

    00DC: player $PLAYER_CHAR driving 0@

    80E1: not key_pressed 0 6

    else_jump @KNIGHT_143

    020A: set_car 0@ door_status_to 2

    jump @KNIGHT_150


    020A: set_car 0@ door_status_to 1



    00DE: player $PLAYER_CHAR driving_vehicle_type #BFINJECT

    else_jump @KNIGHT_10

    03C1: 0@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR car

    jump @KNIGHT_10



    not Car.Wrecked($TRAIN)

    else_jump @KNIGHT_231


    81FC: not player $PLAYER_CHAR near_car $TRAIN radius 25.0 25.0 0

    else_jump @KNIGHT_10




    else_jump @KNIGHT_461


    038B: load_requested_models


    wait 10



    else_jump @KNIGHT_254

    0506: vehicle_model 154 set_next_variation 2 2

    04C4: create_coordinate 7@ 8@ 9@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR offset 0.0 -10.0 0.0

    1@ = Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR)

    02CE: 9@ = ground_z 7@ 8@ 9@

    0@ = Car.Create(#BFINJECT, 7@, 8@, 9@)

    Car.Angle(0@) = 1@

    Car.SetImmunities(0@, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)

    053F: set_car 0@ tires_vulnerable 0

    0407: create_coordinate 1@ 2@ 3@ from_car 0@ offset 13@ 2.0 0.25


    create_thread @TIME 0@ 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5000.0 $CTIME $CTIME1 0 0 $CTIME $CTIME1 -1 0


    wait 10



    else_jump @KNIGHT_10


    not Car.Wrecked(0@)

    else_jump @KNIGHT_10

    Car.Health(0@) = 1000

    Car.SetImmunities(0@, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)

    053F: set_car 0@ tires_vulnerable 0

    0054: store_player $PLAYER_CHAR position_to 4@ 5@ 6@

    Car.StorePos(0@, 7@, 8@, 9@)


    not 9@ > 0.0 // floating-point values

    else_jump @KNIGHT_633

    04C4: create_coordinate 7@ 8@ 9@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR offset 0.0 -10.0 0.0

    02CE: 9@ = ground_z 7@ 8@ 9@

    Car.PutAt(0@, 7@, 8@, 9@)


    0509: 10@ = distance between point 4@ 5@ and point 7@ 8@

    00BC: text_highpriority 'AUTOC' 10 ms 1 // Auto-Cruise


    10@ > 25.0 // floating-point values

    else_jump @KNIGHT_702

    11@ = 50.0 // floating-point values

    jump @KNIGHT_712


    11@ = 15.0 // floating-point values



    80E1: not key_pressed 0 4

    else_jump @KNIGHT_870


    01FC: player $PLAYER_CHAR near_car 0@ radius 10.0 10.0 0

    else_jump @KNIGHT_803

    Car.SetMaxSpeed(0@, 0.0)

    Car.SetDriverBehaviour(0@, Nowhere)


    00DC: player $PLAYER_CHAR driving 0@

    else_jump @KNIGHT_461

    jump @KNIGHT_10



    00AE: set_vehicle 0@ traffic_behavior_to 2

    Car.SetMaxSpeed(0@, 11@)

    Car.SetDriverBehaviour(0@, DriveToPlayer)

    02C2: car 0@ drive_to_point 4@ 5@ 6@


    00DC: player $PLAYER_CHAR driving 0@

    else_jump @KNIGHT_461

    jump @KNIGHT_10



    01FC: player $PLAYER_CHAR near_car 0@ radius 10.0 10.0 0

    else_jump @KNIGHT_10


    038B: load_requested_models

    03CF: load_wav 'FUD_01' as 1

    02D4: car 0@ turn_off_engine


    wait 0

    if and

    03D0: wav 1 loaded


    01C1: car 0@ stopped

    else_jump @KNIGHT_924

    wait 50


    01C1: car 0@ stopped

    else_jump @KNIGHT_924

    0129: 12@ = create_actor 5 #WFYG2 in_car 0@ driverseat

    0337: set_actor 12@ visibility 0

    0332: set_actor 12@ bleeding_to 0


    0321: kill_actor 12@

    03D1: play_wav 1


    wait 10


    not Actor.Driving(12@)

    else_jump @KNIGHT_1011



    wait 0


    03D2: wav 1 ended

    else_jump @KNIGHT_1036

    040D: unload_wav 1

    jump @KNIGHT_10


    thread 'AUTO_D'

    $AUTODRIVE = 0 // integer values

    $AUTOCRUISE = 0 // integer values

    6@ = 50.0 // floating-point values


    wait 10



    else_jump @AUTO_D_34


    00DE: player $PLAYER_CHAR driving_vehicle_type #BFINJECT

    else_jump @AUTO_D_34

    if and

    00E1: key_pressed 0 18

    00E1: key_pressed 0 6

    else_jump @AUTO_D_34

    040D: unload_wav 1

    03CF: load_wav 'FUD_02' as 1


    wait 0


    03D0: wav 1 loaded

    else_jump @AUTO_D_112

    03D1: play_wav 1


    wait 200


    00DE: player $PLAYER_CHAR driving_vehicle_type #BFINJECT

    else_jump @AUTO_D_34

    if and

    83D2: not wav 1 ended

    03D0: wav 1 loaded

    else_jump @AUTO_D_185

    jump @AUTO_D_135


    040D: unload_wav 1

    $AUTOCRUISE = 1 // integer values

    gosub @AUTO_D_494


    not 8@ >= 0.0 // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    else_jump @AUTO_D_251

    00BC: text_highpriority 'INV_LOC' 1000 ms 1 // Invalid Location

    wait 1000

    jump @AUTO_D_185


    wait 1000

    $AUTOCRUISE = 0 // integer values


    00AE: set_vehicle 0@ traffic_behavior_to 2

    Car.SetMaxSpeed(0@, 35.0)

    02C2: car 0@ drive_to_point 1@ 2@ 8@


    wait 10

    if or

    01AF: car 0@ 0 1@ 2@ 8@ radius 5.0 5.0 5.0

    00E1: key_pressed 0 15

    else_jump @AUTO_D_299

    02D4: car 0@ turn_off_engine

    Car.SetMaxSpeed(0@, 0.0)

    wait 500

    Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = True


    wait 10


    01C1: car 0@ stopped

    else_jump @AUTO_D_378

    040D: unload_wav 1

    03CF: load_wav 'FUD_16' as 1


    wait 0


    03D0: wav 1 loaded

    else_jump @AUTO_D_414

    03D1: play_wav 1


    wait 200

    if and

    83D2: not wav 1 ended

    03D0: wav 1 loaded

    else_jump @AUTO_D_468

    jump @AUTO_D_437


    040D: unload_wav 1

    0369: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR in_car 0@

    $AUTODRIVE = 0 // integer values

    jump @AUTO_D_34


    $AUTODRIVE = 1 // integer values

    03C1: 0@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR car

    Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = False

    0407: create_coordinate 1@ 2@ 3@ from_car 0@ offset 0.0 0.0 6@

    0087: 7@ = 2@ // floating-point values only

    7@ += 1.0 // floating-point values

    02CE: 8@ = ground_z 1@ 2@ 3@

    0087: 9@ = 3@ // floating-point values only

    9@ -= 5.0 // floating-point values

    0087: 11@ = 3@ // floating-point values only

    11@ += 10.0 // floating-point values

    012A: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR at 1@ 2@ 11@ and_remove_from_car

    Camera.SetPosition(1@, 2@, 3@, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    Camera.PointAt(1@, 7@, 8@, 1)

    wait 500


    wait 10

    0087: 10@ = 6@ // floating-point values only

    10@ /= 20.0 // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    0087: 9@ = 3@ // floating-point values only

    9@ -= 5.0 // floating-point values

    0087: 11@ = 3@ // floating-point values only

    11@ += 10.0 // floating-point values

    0055: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR at 1@ 2@ 11@

    Camera.SetPosition(1@, 2@, 3@, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    Camera.PointAt(1@, 7@, 8@, 2)

    04D5: create_corona_at 1@ 2@ 9@ radius 0.05 type 1 flare 0 RGB 255 0 0

    04D5: create_corona_at 1@ 2@ 9@ radius 0.05 type 1 flare 0 RGB 255 0 0

    if and

    00E1: key_pressed 0 11

    not 1@ >= 2000.0 // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    else_jump @AUTO_D_869

    005B: 1@ += 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)


    if and

    00E1: key_pressed 0 10

    1@ >= -2000.0 // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    else_jump @AUTO_D_904

    0063: 1@ -= 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)


    if and

    00E1: key_pressed 0 8

    not 2@ >= 2000.0 // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    else_jump @AUTO_D_947

    005B: 2@ += 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    005B: 7@ += 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)


    if and

    00E1: key_pressed 0 9

    2@ >= -2000.0 // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    else_jump @AUTO_D_990

    0063: 2@ -= 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    0063: 7@ -= 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)


    if and

    00E1: key_pressed 0 7

    not 3@ >= 500.0 // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    else_jump @AUTO_D_1049

    005B: 3@ += 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    005B: 6@ += 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    005B: 3@ += 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    005B: 6@ += 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)


    if and

    00E1: key_pressed 0 5

    3@ >= 20.0 // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    else_jump @AUTO_D_1108

    0063: 3@ -= 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    0063: 6@ -= 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    0063: 3@ -= 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)

    0063: 6@ -= 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)



    00E1: key_pressed 0 17

    else_jump @AUTO_D_669

    Car.StorePos(0@, 12@, 13@, 14@)

    0055: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR at 12@ 13@ 11@

    wait 100

    0369: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR in_car 0@





    0340: set_text_draw_color 1@ 2@ 3@ 255

    0341: unknown_text_stuff 1

    03E4: set_text_draw_align_right 0

    0343: set_text_linewidth 5000.0

    0348: set_text_draw_proportional 1

    0342: set_text_draw_centered 0

    0345: set_text_draw_in_box 0

    033F: set_text_draw_letter_width_height 0.5 1.8


    heres the code that works