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CJ O'Hummer

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Posts posted by CJ O'Hummer

  1. I soon want to release an updated version of my add-on package. the updated files will replace the Tommy Vercetti skins you can pick up in-game.

    By the way, I guess you all know those skins of Doc and Marty in their radiation suits. But what I'm also looking for are skins where they also wear the headgears [that was the word I found in my dictionary, I mean it isn't a hat and not a cap, so what is it called??].

    Could someone tell me where I could find them or make them for me (I'll give you a credit for the skins)?

  2. I'd love to see posters for the correct periods (1950s, 1980s, 2015s) if its possible and if you want to do it.

    I guess that's what everyone is expecting but since I can't code I wouldn't even have the chance to replace the adverts in the periods. Plus, since 0.3 will only include a 1955 HV map, I thought it'd be best to make only 1950ies adverts

    The sunshine auto signage didn't change for me maybe I missed a file.

    it should be all in the rar file you've downloaded. maybe you forgot something to replace. the Sunshine Autos txds are

    lh_racemap.txd, lhbillbrd.txd and hai_carshowint.txd

  3. i really respect you guys for making this mod for us, cause this gave me a headache just only to get this working.

    1 it's an add-on FOR a mod

    2 I'm only 1 person that was working on that add-on

    3 thanks, it was difficult to find out what has to be replaced and how. in the beginning it even should have been without the adverts, but then I thought, adverts from 1955 and the early 50ies would be nice. and so you now all got what you have. B)

  4. If the mod was dead, why did I come back as sound editor... To edit the air?
    Seems to be what Crotcher thinks. (DK, I hope you don't mind if I use that name too, because I'm currently very annoyed)

    If you got DK to hate you, there is little you can do to fix it
    I guess everyone who's hated by DK has also to be hated by Chuck Norris. So let's put Crotcher into some kind of real-life GTA and give him 7 wanted levels.

    It's morons like you that get under our skin
    Just use the BANHAMMER.png


    I yet had not the time to tell you the following because I wasn't at home today, but now I can:

    what you were doing until you started with your weak apologies was committing character assassination on the mod team. It's their hard work you made a fool of and as DK said, they all have a life too. Almost a year ago I was just like you and asked myself when 0.2f will be released. I sent an email to the mod team to offer them my help as an "Official Pre-Release Mod Tester". That was the time when I met Mike here on the internet. He told me about the IFT Investor program and why it's taking 0.2f so long to be finished. I was convinced that it will be ready when it's ready and not before.

  5. It takes like a whole month to build one building, because he can't model 12/7.
    Or let's better say 24/7. I mean, some people seem to think you all work all day every day on the mod.

    Such as the divorce I'm going through.
    DK, are you kidding?

    The attention to detail on these models are amazing and Liam is modeling them AND texturing them. I can safely say that not ONE of his models came with a texture count BELOW 50 textures. So far the most I have seen is well over 100 textures for a single model.
    Man, if I would have such a good modeling/texturing skill as Liam I would join the team and help him. But hey, I even haven't finished school yet and before I haven't finished school I'll force my learning on school matters. And at the moment there's only one sure thing I'll do after school: I'll finally make my driving license.

  6. I think this is kind of a waste of a thread.

    I say it isn't really a waste. Think about it, why did Rockstar thought of putting something like that in there?

    Just an easter egg as always.

    That's exactly my opinion, Evil Morning Operator. I just wanted to make a little joke and almost everyone thinks that I want to make them BELIEVE that noone has ever been up there. All I WANTED to do was extending their aspect.

  7. alright, thanks.

    @Mr.Kocher: I'm yet not sure if I'll make a R2 of it, but if I make one it'll only be a version with an installer.

    The upwards/downwards angles are now exactly the same as they were in BTTF2, so they won't be improved any more. Also, I won't add a new courthouse texture because on the one hand, I'm not that good at texturing (already the retexturing of the skyway sign Orgcon made and creating another one wasn't very easy.)

  8. whoa, that's a long list, but I can't take all of them because I don't have that many slots left.

    alright, I'll now finish the replacement work and as soon as I've finished my tests I'll give you a download link

    EDIT I: I can use 9 of 15 films/movies. thank you, Joe Statler.

    EDIT II: Although I've placed an old Universal Pictures logo, it doesn't matter if the films/movies are from Universal or not.

  9. alright, most adverts are now replaced. I'd like you now to give me some titles of films/movies that were released between 1950 and 1955, except "The Revenge of the Creature", "Tarantula", "Lady Godiva", "Francis in the Navy" and "On the Waterfront". There are still a few posters at Interglobal Films that have to be replaced.

  10. hover conversions of classic cars

    texaco fuel

    for 2015 the jaws movie thing

    cafe 80s

    sucide booths after 2008

    Grim, please read my whole post before posting advert ideas, because I just want

    .... BTTF1-1955-accurate ones.

    But thanks so far, there's at least one great idea you had.

    @archer: there's a comic store in BTTF1? I know that old Peabody's son has a sci-fi comic, but I didn't see a store.

  11. as soon as my add-on package is finished I'll give you a download link.

    That is already done:

    - Sunshine Autos is DR. E. BROWN ENTERPRISES, the Build-a-TM-garage (which was formerly A+B AUTO) is the INSTITUTE OF FUTURE TECHNOLOGY, SPRAY'N'GO is FUSION INDUSTRIES (named only)

    - edits in the american.gxt and german.gxt (you now get STRANDED and ERASED FROM EXISTENCE)

    - an improved version of Orgcon's skyway (thanks to Orgcon for his permission to use his files)

    - upwards/downwards angle improvements of the flying DeLorean/flying Time Train (makes it easier to reach 88 MPH when you want to TT like in the beginning of BTTF2)

    - replacing most adverts that are located all over VC

  12. I'm currently working on an add-on package for 0.2e (topic's here) which should also replace all adverts that are located all over Vice City with BTTF1-1955-accurate ones.

    I'd like to give me your ideas what should be advertised because I'd like to know what other fans would like to see to be adverted [of course I have my own ideas too, but as I said, give me your ideas too].

    As soon as I have collected enough suggestions, I'll close this topic.