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Posts posted by timetrain

  1. whaaaaaat even I was under the impression there was some plan to add a section of rail to the map in 2.0f to have the train push the delorean... Major Sad Face goin on right now.

    So whats all this about a secret??? I think your going to tell me, or I'll throw a turrets induced tantrum. (please)

  2. Oh cool :).

    They look real good, if this was Märklin I'd be interested ;).

    It's not, it's Tyco -_- Actually I think the original model was Mantua, but I've made a lot of adjustments, keep in mind those are really old photos from the first model and I've done some learning since then. I'll post up some new pictures of the new model as well as the link to buy it on ebay as soon as it's done.

  3. Exciting news everyone! But first I wanted to give some of you a heads up on some new models I've been creating and selling on eBay and over the internet.

    I first started creating a model kit of the Rogers 4-6-0 (No. 3 from the sierra railway) No. 131 locomotive from Back to the Future Part III and the Delorean outfitted with railroad wheels that it pushes in HO scale.

    Here's some pictures of the first model I made:




    ANYWAYS, might as well cut straight to the point, It turns out several people have been contacting me after seeing my videos featuring the locomotive pushing the Delorean around the track on Youtube wanting to know if I would put it up for sale and I said no several times since I only had one, but since then I've made a few more better models I've decided to put up for grabs so basically I've been putting myself out there for all my fellow Back to the Future fans who may want to get their hands on one, they will be sold through auctions on eBay and will go on a first come, first serve basis. I will might make more over time but as of right now this is all there are.

    Check out my eBay page every now and then to see if I put any new listings up, I will try to come back and post every time I put one up but as of now I'm actually just finishing one so it will be up soon:


    Or go check out the train on eBay, maybe even bid? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...=STRK:MESELX:IT

    Also check out my video featuring the locomotive and Delorean in action on Youtube, but beware of the cheesiness:


  4. I'm still not sure if Windows 7 is even worth looking in to or if I'll stick with vista, I personally got used to Vista and really like it.

    Anyways my vote surprisingly went towards SA, mainly because I like the SA environment better and all the new tweaks and features it had when it came out. When I play VC it feels kind of cold and lonely and unrealistic, SA actually feels more warm, vibrant, and like it could almost be more real, video game wise. Besides I have them both and I'm getting way bored of playing the BTTF mod in VC, but it all depends on which is more capable, which from what I understand they are about the same.

  5. Gross, how do you treat your Sims?

    And TT, simply let him move out,enter the lot in buy/build mode and put them back there...

    Or did you refer it to TS1 before Pets?

    no in the sims 2 I had to do that so I didn't have to put all the furniture back in there, especially if it was a huge house.

  6. The guy asked for a lock, stop hounding him about the idea.

    elyo, if you like your idea, your going to have to learn how to model and texture yourself, it can be complicated and take time but that's about the only way it's going to happen, besides, the skills can be useful and you have the pride of knowing you did the whole thing yourself.

    Also you can use the KITT scripts and modify the time travel scripts 0.2e, but you can't release it. You have to keep it to yourself.

    Topic locked.

    Also, nice car.

  7. Here's some more pictures.





    So I finally got the tutorial videos done as well, fell free to watch them if you want, they are kinda boring unless your using them to create the models.

    Fell free to watch them on my youtube as well, in full wide screen high quality, you might also want to read the descriptions as well.


    I've also got more pictures of the train and the delorean on my deviantart account.


  8. Hey guys, I don't know how many of you have seen these models I made a while back so I thought I would post them up.

    I decided I wanted my own running models of the train and railroad delorean from BTTF part 3.





    In fact, here's the duo in action, as well as the most terrible reinstatement of the ending scene of BTTF 3 you'll ever see!

    I actually have three of the locos now, 2 of them are painted up like the #131.


    I also have been working on full tutorial videos for those of you that must have your own, but I've already got too many offers of all kinds of money for them, but I'm not selling.

  9. Killing people was very useful in the other games, especially to get someone out of your family you don't want without moving them out, or to kill a sim to keep all the furniture in the house when the next family moves in.

  10. you shouldn't have to do anything, it works perfectly on my vista and it always has. If there are problems right click the .exe file and go to properties, and under the compatibility tab check run in windows XP and select run as administrator. That should do it.

  11. That's probably the most amazing washing machine I've ever heard of.

    This part was my favorite:

    "On heavy duty spin cycle it sort of sounds a bit like the tortured howls of 1000 undead writhing in the sulphury pits of hell mixed with a train with carriages full of scrap iron sliding down the road with no wheels, on fire, into a bell factory."