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Posts posted by timetrain

  1. Maybe it has something to do with Doc going to the future after part III and builds the Institute of Future Technology and its one of his delorean designs in the future that goes back and informs Marty that one of Doc's experiments went wrong and hes the only one that can save him?

    And by drive it I mean the main character uses it in the story or something, I know its going to be a point and click adventure game.

  2. Yeah, I guess I forgot about that.. :heh:

    What if he puts it back? lol.. Well he could build another but I don't like that because in the films he was pretty set on destroying it, I would prefer a better explanation than him just building another.. I don't know maybe I'm just too picky and should be happy my second favorite time machine makes an appearance in the game?

    I do really hope the train makes it in the game, or maybe we'll get to drive it??? :mf_dribble:

  3. Well The official trailer for the game premiers on spike tv December 2, and taletell usually releases their games a week after the trailer so that makes it around December 10, and that is winter so it makes since but this is just speculation.

    The delorean does return in all its glory, the original one we know and love too. There is a picture of the in game delorean model on their main website. I assume that Do went back to 1885 after BTTF 3 in the train to retrieve the delorean that's still there, because Doc got stuck by lightning and the delorean and him were sent to 1885, Marty took that delorean years later from the cave and traveled back to save Doc, so now there are 2 deloreans in 1885, and they only used the one Marty brought to go back home, so maybe Doc fixed up the other one? Just a theory.

  4. No there doesn't need to be another refueling addition to the mod. The ones for cars was done away with so why would the train need one? just park it by one of the water towers that will be on the finished map and use your imagination. The lack of train knowledge on this thread it both hilarious and deeply disturbing.

  5. Looks great so far, definitely something going on with the wheels though, like a glitch, not to mention the size and overall shininess. :P I know, I know... WIP.

    I bet you can eventually up the poly count too, maybe make the car more detailed. Right now it still has the "I've been wacked down to run good in VC" look to it.

  6. Because there was no tutorial in Back to the Future, lol. And actually a tutorial is kinda cheesy, but remember in the finished version it will throw you straight into the game without knowing anything and tell you stuff as you go.

  7. that rock theme is terrible.. ugh, drum machines.

    im gonna say that as far as intro movies go if timetrain were to do a full version of his one then i'd say were sorted

    We can't use mine, Mike only wants to do silhouette images from the mod, and mine consisted of images from the movie that were hard to see.