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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/31/2013 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Sounds are now working fully! My solution worked, with putting sounds in the root directory It's perfect for the time travel sequence and DeLorean. The game isn't and I don't think will ever be 100% stable, it is a mod and like the PC version does crash sometimes. While it doesn't crash all that much it does sometimes and it can be slightly annoying I'm looking to release this sometime this month if all goes to plan. It will be a completely seperate app so you can still play normal Vice City. The installer will hopefully download stuff as it goes and install the files into an IPA or installer package. The installer package can then be used to install onto a jailbroken i-Device with AppSync installed. If you have Installous or AppCake then you will be able to install the ipa but you must provide the installer with the game files. Obviously I encourage you buy the game because it's so cheap but if you pirate it there won't be a difference.