Destination Time
Present Time
Last Time Departed


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Posts posted by Carlos85G

  1. I believe the top left gauge in this picture is the speedo, because the other ones and for boiler (bottom) and air brake (top right) pressure.

    The numbers don't fit, so it might just be a water pressure gauge (which would mean the locomotive didn't have a speedometer), but it also could be that the plate displays Km/H... I don't know :P


    Another view: Might be a water pressure gauge after all...


  2. I second that, Daniel!! Quick question, Del (or Mike, or whoever is in charge of textures), have you guys done a texture yet for the green tubes? If the one I'm seeing now is the final one, I'd have to say it needs to be a bit brighter, more like a very light olive green like in these two shots:



    Also, the plutonium cap is more of a golden yellow and the rest of the reactor is more of a worn black like the vents (which, BTW are PERFECT :D), as seen in this picture:


    But I'm just spouting off here with no knowledge of what you guys are working on or not lol...I know that you guys are working to make this thing super accurate, so I figured I'd throw in my two cents :D. Looking amazing, guys!

    I got to as close as the colors can be. Unfortunally, most of the surfaces' colors on the DeLorean depend on the lighting, so it'll look green in a scene and yellow-green in another. It's an issue most of the building community has, like with the flux emitters, amongst other parts.

  3. The coil grid is invisible when viewing from the wrong angle.

    Like where its curved to be connected to the bottom back of the car. There you can see through the backside of the coils.

    Saving performance here? :P

    VC has automatic no-cull for vehicles, so it renders both faces. Same with the seatbelt.


    Will you also add those fans inside the vents as the crysis DeLorean has, or has that been hatched out by Tirido (meaning: not movie accurate)?

    Anyways, something to see inside would be cool.

    Sorry, no CO2 nozzles (nor neon tubes, for that matter). This is a time machine, not a movie prop.

  4. First of all, thanks for translate Carlos :P

    Well, the new HD font are the LCD and the HUD.

    Can you explain me the segments, cause I dont understand what do you want to say.


    P.S: Your models are great!

    I meant this:


    Each line that conforms the digit is called a "segment". This is a picture of two 7-segment LED (8 counting the dot). can you see how each segment has a clear separation from each other? That's how it's supposed to be :D.

  5. Which font is it, the LCD speedo or the HUD?.

    In case of the LCD, the segments should be divided, for a high-res font.

    If HUD, I don't see the difference :(


    ¿Cuál fuente, la LCD o la del HUD?...

    Si es la LCD, entonces los segmentos deberían estar separados, para una fuente de alta resolución.

    Si es la del HUD, no veo la diferencia :(

  6. The "A" car's Time Circuits had the Destination Time and Last Time Departed colors reversed and 2 numeric LEDs for the months. "B" (Bob Gale's TCD) and "C" (Close-Up TCD) had the correct layout, but "C" suffered changes for the sequels. They never used alphanumeric LEDs for any of the DeLoreans.

    Actually, I believe "A" wasn't used for Part III, except for inserts. All Part III cars (not counting "B") were not as detailed as "A", both in exterior and interior.

    Oh, yeah. The digital speedo's third digit was covered with gaffer's tape for filming, but you can still see it working in the teaser trailer.

  7. The emitter only glowed with the coils.

    It might only be possible to add a couple of extra glows, but I think we're already at the limit. Besides, you probably wouldn't notice it. Also, it's not possible to change textures in-game :(

    I didn't use that picture because it isn't clean enough, the stickers aren't stickers and it has no raised surface for them (like this); so, I made my own. I might revisit that texture when I'm done with the others.

    I merged your posts. Just edit the previous one or ask a moderator to bump a thread.

    *snip* Gary uses a 16 segment LCD display when the film used 14 segments *snip*

    The months's digits weren't really LCD, but gel screens with some backlight. 14-segment LEDs are better because they mantain the top and bottom lines as one segment, instead of the 2 in the case of the 16-segment, which makes them much more accurate, although with the middle line still as 2 segments. The time circuits in the movies show the "S", "E", "P" and "A" with the middle line as just one segment, but making a "G" (for the case of "AUG") would be impossible like that; so, to mantain consistency, 14-segment LEDs are the answer :D

    Some characters as depicted in the movie are impossible to make with ANY LED, such as the "D":


    Picture by CJ Sidewall

  8. The topic can remain. If you want to make a guide on how to do your changes and how to convert said needed files, models and textures, you may do it, but no distributing files which were bundled with any BTTF:HV releases.

    We're using the same measures we've used with every person that released unauthorized models.

  9. It wasn't a ban, it was a suspension. The suspension was removed as soon as the files were removed.

    If someone releases a DIY guide on how to make the changes, we'd have nothing against it, but when that someone distributes other people's work without EVEN giving credit to the original authors, we might get a little upset, specially if that someone asked, got a negative, and did it anyway.

    Even if the files are released free-of-charge, they're still OUR files, not public-domain. The owner has the right to choose how they're distributed and who distribures them.