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BTTF Hill Valley - The Standalone Game

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A blog detailing the progress of Back To The Future: Hill Valley as a standalone game.

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update 4

so remember when I said this project was going to go very slow?  well heres a small update, we've been trying out things in unity for model importing, and finally found a format we like, so heres a shot of unitychan looking at the new city she likes it, and we think it's pretty cool too   so next when i get off my lazy butt, i'll probably test to see if this thing can ru




entry 3

so i was a bit lazy today, the only thing i have done is add a pre packaged prefab for a third person player and i cleaned up the directory a bit,  we at hill valley have decided that unichan should be the new marty mcfly, plus she is cuter.... all joking aside this is a needed step, i will later (MUCH LATER) replace her model with marty, i picked her because she is free to use, i needed a base for my player to car script, and she has a blinking animation, soooo i thought using her script fo




standalone Update 1

Alright, so here's what we have...  A car! how exciting! No... This is actually decent progress... Really... I started this project like 4 days ago, What do you expect... If you are wondering what all the GUI stuff on the screen is. That's just because I dropped the car into a project that the engine already has, The player model is also static and is just for looks right now. But the notable things in this picture is we have a working, moving car, I wrote a script to close doors, still nee




Back to the future hill valley standalone project

Welcome guys gals and atonamous beings. To the amazing adventure that is, back to the future hill valley, the standalone game. What does standalone mean?  It means, That you won't need GTA to play. its a proper free to play game! So here's how its gonna work. When we do something cool, We (probably mostly me) will post it here on this blog. So, I'll probably make another post later tonight and keep in mind guys. We dont have GTA as a base, so we are taking baby steps. Until then hang in th

