Destination Time
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Eds edits

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glad it worked out ^^

i may use kitts laser code to create a laser coming from player to wormhole. see opticode under coding to help please!


download- american.gxt

and replace it with the one in the text folder(make backup)

tut- needs sanny


create_thread @BTTF3
add at the end of the list:
create_thread @TLINST  

create_thread @THOOK 

create_thread @SPAWN 

create_thread @CUTEL
then find:
------------------------------mission 0--------------------------------
and paste this HUGE bunch ubove it:

thread 'TLINST' 


wait 0 

$TELED = 0 // integer values 



else_jump @TLINST_10 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -294.255 -628.737 9.375 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 

else_jump @TLINST_92 

jump @TLINST_10 



00E0:   player $PLAYER_CHAR driving 

else_jump @TLINST_177 

$TELED = 1 // integer values 

0217: text_styled 'ED_TLI' 5000 ms 5  // eds teLepoRteRs

03E5: text_box 'ED_TLI1'  // you wiLL Find 2 teLepoRteRs neaR the junkyaRd

wait 5500 

03E5: text_box 'ED_TLI2'  // theRe wiLL be otheRs in the Lybians hideout

wait 5500 

03E5: text_box 'ED_ENJ'  // enjoy!

jump @TLINST_246 


$TELED = 1 // integer values 

0217: text_styled 'ED_TLI' 5000 ms 5  // eds teLepoRteRs

03E5: text_box 'ED_TLI1'  // you wiLL Find 2 teLepoRteRs neaR the junkyaRd

wait 5500 

03E5: text_box 'ED_TLI2'  // theRe wiLL be otheRs in the Lybians hideout

wait 5500 

03E5: text_box 'ED_ENJ'  // enjoy!

jump @TLINST_246 


wait 0 



else_jump @TLINST_246 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -1187.678 102.983 16.977 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 

else_jump @TLINST_513 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -1681.172 708.157 21.177 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 

else_jump @TLINST_619 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -1223.776 25.104 10.516 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 

else_jump @TLINST_725 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -284.8818 -563.4311 12.8164 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 

else_jump @TLINST_937 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -1148.8 24.129 10.516 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 

else_jump @TLINST_831 

jump @TLINST_246 



00E0:   player $PLAYER_CHAR driving 

else_jump @TLINST_578 

03C1: 0@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR car 

Car.PutAt(0@, -1684.203, 734.242, 14.347)

Car.Angle(0@) = 270.0



jump @TLINST_246 


0055: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR at -1684.203 734.242 14.347 

0171: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR z_angle_to 270.0 



jump @TLINST_246 



00E0:   player $PLAYER_CHAR driving 

else_jump @TLINST_684 

03C1: 0@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR car 

Car.PutAt(0@, -1187.647, 75.907, 10.147)

Car.Angle(0@) = 45.0



jump @TLINST_246 


0055: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR at -1187.647 75.907 10.147 

0171: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR z_angle_to 45.0 



jump @TLINST_246 



00E0:   player $PLAYER_CHAR driving 

else_jump @TLINST_790 

03C1: 0@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR car 

Car.PutAt(0@, -996.35, -886.53, 12.36)

Car.Angle(0@) = 270.0



jump @TLINST_246 


0055: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR at -996.35 -886.53 12.36 

0171: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR z_angle_to 270.0 



jump @TLINST_246 



00E0:   player $PLAYER_CHAR driving 

else_jump @TLINST_896 

03C1: 0@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR car 

Car.PutAt(0@, -948.93, -295.622, 9.457)

Car.Angle(0@) = 270.0



jump @TLINST_246 


0055: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR at -948.93 -295.622 9.457 

0171: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR z_angle_to 270.0 



jump @TLINST_246 


wait 900 

jump @TLINST_949 


wait 0 



else_jump @TLINST_949 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -284.8818 -563.4311 12.8164 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 

else_jump @TLINST_1888 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -306.5 -561.1 14.0 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 

else_jump @TLINST_949 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -305.5 -561.1 14.0 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 

else_jump @TLINST_949 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -307.5 -561.1 14.0 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 

else_jump @TLINST_949 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -308.5 -561.1 14.0 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 

else_jump @TLINST_949 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -309.5 -561.1 14.0 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 

else_jump @TLINST_949 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -310.5 -561.1 14.0 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 

else_jump @TLINST_949 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -311.5 -561.1 14.0 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 

else_jump @TLINST_949 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -312.5 -561.1 14.0 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 

else_jump @TLINST_949 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -313.5 -561.1 14.0 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 

else_jump @TLINST_949 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -314.5 -561.1 14.0 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 

else_jump @TLINST_949 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -315.5 -561.1 14.0 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 

else_jump @TLINST_949 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -316.5 -561.1 14.0 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 

else_jump @TLINST_949 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -317.5 -561.1 14.0 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 

else_jump @TLINST_949 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -318.5 -561.1 14.0 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 

else_jump @TLINST_949 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -319.5 -561.1 14.0 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 

else_jump @TLINST_949 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -320.5 -561.1 14.0 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 

else_jump @TLINST_949 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -321.5 -561.1 14.0 radius -628.737 9.375 3.0 

else_jump @TLINST_949 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -304.5 -561.1 14.0 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 

else_jump @TLINST_949 

jump @TLINST_949 


$PLAYER_CHAR = Player.Create(#NULL, -305.5, -561.1, 14.0)

wait 500 

$PLAYER_CHAR = Player.Create(#NULL, -306.5, -561.1, 14.0)

wait 500 

$PLAYER_CHAR = Player.Create(#NULL, -307.5, -561.1, 14.0)

wait 500 

$PLAYER_CHAR = Player.Create(#NULL, -308.5, -561.1, 14.0)

wait 500 

$PLAYER_CHAR = Player.Create(#NULL, -309.5, -561.1, 14.0)

wait 500 

$PLAYER_CHAR = Player.Create(#NULL, -310.5, -561.1, 14.0)

wait 500 

$PLAYER_CHAR = Player.Create(#NULL, -311.5, -561.1, 14.0)

wait 500 

$PLAYER_CHAR = Player.Create(#NULL, -312.5, -561.1, 14.0)

wait 500 

$PLAYER_CHAR = Player.Create(#NULL, -313.5, -561.1, 14.0)

wait 500 

$PLAYER_CHAR = Player.Create(#NULL, -314.5, -561.1, 14.0)

wait 500 

$PLAYER_CHAR = Player.Create(#NULL, -315.5, -561.1, 14.0)

wait 500 

$PLAYER_CHAR = Player.Create(#NULL, -316.5, -561.1, 14.0)

wait 500 

$PLAYER_CHAR = Player.Create(#NULL, -317.5, -561.1, 14.0)

wait 500 

$PLAYER_CHAR = Player.Create(#NULL, -318.5, -561.1, 14.0)

wait 500 

$PLAYER_CHAR = Player.Create(#NULL, -319.5, -561.1, 14.0)

wait 500 

$PLAYER_CHAR = Player.Create(#NULL, -320.5, -561.1, 14.0)

wait 500 

$PLAYER_CHAR = Player.Create(#NULL, -321.5, -561.1, 14.0)

wait 500 

$PLAYER_CHAR = Player.Create(#NULL, -304.5, -561.1, 14.0)

jump @TLINST_246 


thread 'THOOK' 


wait 0 



else_jump @THOOK_10 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -1959.9 844.83 14.244 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 

else_jump @THOOK_85 

jump @THOOK_10 


wait 0 

$ED = Car.Create(#SABRE, -1907.482, 788.127, 13.984)

Car.Angle($ED) = 260.5

$E = Marker.CreateAboveCar($ED)


jump @THOOK_139 


wait 0 


   not Car.Wrecked($ED)

else_jump @THOOK_299 


00DC:   player $PLAYER_CHAR driving $ED 

else_jump @THOOK_139 


$FUELING = 0 // integer values 

Car.SetMaxSpeed($ED, 120.0)

0423: car $ED improve_handling 1.5 

00AE: set_vehicle $ED traffic_behavior_to 2 


Car.DriveTo($ED, -1625.201, 790.65, 14.333)

wait 10800 

Car.Angle($ED) = 190.0

Car.DriveTo($ED, -1578.079, 418.284, 13.987)

wait 15500 

Car.Angle($ED) = 0.0

jump @THOOK_10 


wait 0 


jump @THOOK_10 


thread 'SPAWN' 

032B: $EDFG = create_weapon_pickup #TEARGAS 15 ammo 2 at -235.399 -589.033 10.368 

jump @SPAWN_44 


wait 0 



else_jump @SPAWN_44 


  $CUT == 1 // integer values 

else_jump @SPAWN_44 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -1753.32 891.8068 36.1128 radius 2.0 2.0 2.0 

else_jump @SPAWN_137 

jump @SPAWN_44 


00BC: text_highpriority 'ED_CUTB' 2000 ms 1  // hidden  teLepoRteR boost

$CUTEL += 100 // integer values 

04F7: status_text $CUTEL 0 line 2 'ED_CUTS'  // teLepoRts:

wait 2000 

0151: remove_status_text $CUTEL 

jump @SPAWN_44 


thread 'CUTEL' 


wait 0 



else_jump @CUTEL_10 


  $TELED == 1 // integer values 

else_jump @CUTEL_10 


80F5:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 -329.662 -600.746 11.85 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 

else_jump @CUTEL_103 

jump @CUTEL_10 


wait 0 

$CUTEL = 2 // integer values 

$CUT = 1 // integer values 

04F7: status_text $CUTEL 0 line 2 'ED_CUTS'  // teLepoRts:

wait 2000 

0151: remove_status_text $CUTEL 


   not $CUTELED == 1 // integer values 

else_jump @CUTEL_244 

$CUTELED = 1 // integer values 

03E5: text_box 'ED_CUT1'  // pRess cRouch and action togetheR to activate custom teLepoRteRs. but be caReFuL as one chaRge gives you onLy 2 teLepoRts.

wait 5500 

03E5: text_box 'ED_CUT2'  // to RechaRge step into the custom teLepoRteR maRkeR. to seLect  FiRe, to move is the aRRow keys and to zoom in and out use the mouse wheeL. enjoy

wait 5500 

jump @CUTEL_244 


04F7: status_text $CUTEL 0 line 2 'ED_CUTS'  // teLepoRts:

wait 2000 

0151: remove_status_text $CUTEL 

jump @CUTEL_244 


wait 0 

if and

80E0:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR driving 

00E1:   key_pressed 0 4 

00E1:   key_pressed 0 18 

else_jump @CUTEL_244 

6@ = 50.0 // floating-point values 

04C4: create_coordinate $WHAT $THE $HEL from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR offset 0.0 0.0 1.0 

gosub @CUTEL_695 

Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = True

035E: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR armour_to 200 

0222: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR health_to 200 

gosub @CUTEL_1312 

0055: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR at 1@ 2@ 8@ 

wait 50 

03D1: play_wav 2 

0437: scatter_particle 45 5.0 at 1@ 2@ 8@ 0 0 0 

0437: scatter_particle 45 5.0 at 1@ 2@ 8@ 0 0 0 

0437: scatter_particle 45 5.0 at 1@ 2@ 8@ 0 0 0 

0437: scatter_particle 45 5.0 at 1@ 2@ 8@ 0 0 0 

0437: scatter_particle 45 5.0 at 1@ 2@ 8@ 0 0 0 

0437: scatter_particle 45 5.0 at 1@ 2@ 8@ 0 0 0 

0437: scatter_particle 45 5.0 at 1@ 2@ 8@ 0 0 0 

0437: scatter_particle 45 5.0 at 1@ 2@ 8@ 0 0 0 

0437: scatter_particle 45 5.0 at 1@ 2@ 8@ 0 0 0 

0437: scatter_particle 45 5.0 at 1@ 2@ 8@ 0 0 0 



035E: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR armour_to 200 

0222: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR health_to 200 

$CUTEL -= 1 // integer values 

jump @CUTEL_648 



  $CUTEL == 0 // integer values 

else_jump @CUTEL_210 

00BC: text_highpriority 'ED_CUTG' 2000 ms 1  // custom teLepoRteR empty!

$CUT = 0 // integer values 

jump @CUTEL_10 


wait 0 

Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = False

0054: store_player $PLAYER_CHAR position_to 1@ 2@ 3@ 

0087: 7@ = 2@ // floating-point values only 

7@ += 1.0 // floating-point values 

02CE: 8@ = ground_z 1@ 2@ 3@ 

0087: 9@ = 3@ // floating-point values only 

9@ -= 5.0 // floating-point values 

0087: 11@ = 3@ // floating-point values only 

11@ += 10.0 // floating-point values 

Camera.SetPosition(1@, 2@, 3@, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

Camera.PointAt(1@, 7@, 0.0, 1)

wait 500 


wait 10 

0087: 10@ = 6@ // floating-point values only 

10@ /= 20.0 // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3) 

0087: 9@ = 3@ // floating-point values only 

9@ -= 5.0 // floating-point values 

0087: 11@ = 3@ // floating-point values only 

11@ += 10.0 // floating-point values 

0055: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR at 1@ 2@ 11@ 

Camera.SetPosition(1@, 2@, 3@, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

Camera.PointAt(1@, 7@, 0.0, 2)

04D5: create_corona_at 1@ 2@ 9@ radius 0.05 type 1 flare 0 RGB 255 0 0 

04D5: create_corona_at 1@ 2@ 9@ radius 0.05 type 1 flare 0 RGB 255 0 0 

if and

00E1:   key_pressed 0 11 

   not 1@ >= 2000.0 // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3) 

else_jump @CUTEL_1036 

005B: 1@ += 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3) 


if and

00E1:   key_pressed 0 10 

  1@ >= -2000.0 // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3) 

else_jump @CUTEL_1071 

0063: 1@ -= 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3) 


if and

00E1:   key_pressed 0 8 

   not 2@ >= 2000.0 // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3) 

else_jump @CUTEL_1114 

005B: 2@ += 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3) 

005B: 7@ += 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3) 


if and

00E1:   key_pressed 0 9 

  2@ >= -2000.0 // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3) 

else_jump @CUTEL_1157 

0063: 2@ -= 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3) 

0063: 7@ -= 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3) 


if and

00E1:   key_pressed 0 7 

   not 3@ >= 500.0 // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3) 

else_jump @CUTEL_1216 

005B: 3@ += 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3) 

005B: 6@ += 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3) 

005B: 3@ += 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3) 

005B: 6@ += 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3) 


if and

00E1:   key_pressed 0 5 

  3@ >= 10.0 // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3) 

else_jump @CUTEL_1275 

0063: 3@ -= 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3) 

0063: 6@ -= 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3) 

0063: 3@ -= 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3) 

0063: 6@ -= 10@ // floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3) 



00E1:   key_pressed 0 17 

else_jump @CUTEL_834 

02CE: 8@ = ground_z 1@ 2@ 3@ 

wait 100 



wait 0 

0055: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR at $WHAT $THE $HEL 



01B1: give_player $PLAYER_CHAR weapon 34 ammo 1 // Load the weapon model before using this 

jump @CUTEL_1350 


wait 0 


02D7:   player $PLAYER_CHAR currentweapon == 34 

else_jump @CUTEL_1350 


00E1:   key_pressed 0 17 

else_jump @CUTEL_1350 

04C4: create_coordinate $WHA $THA $HELL from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR offset 0.0 10.0 0.0 

040D: unload_wav 2 

03CF: load_wav 'ASS_1' as 2 

040D: unload_wav 3 

03CF: load_wav 'ASS_3' as 3 



wait 500 

jump @CUTEL_1466 


wait 0 

0437: scatter_particle 43 5.0 at $WHA $THA $HELL 0 0 0 

0437: scatter_particle 43 5.0 at $WHA $THA $HELL 0 0 0 

0437: scatter_particle 43 5.0 at $WHA $THA $HELL 0 0 0 

0437: scatter_particle 43 5.0 at $WHA $THA $HELL 0 0 0 

0437: scatter_particle 43 5.0 at $WHA $THA $HELL 0 0 0 

0437: scatter_particle 43 5.0 at $WHA $THA $HELL 0 0 0 

0437: scatter_particle 43 5.0 at $WHA $THA $HELL 0 0 0 

0437: scatter_particle 43 5.0 at $WHA $THA $HELL 0 0 0 

0437: scatter_particle 43 5.0 at $WHA $THA $HELL 0 0 0 

0437: scatter_particle 43 5.0 at $WHA $THA $HELL 0 0 0 

03D1: play_wav 3 


00F5:   player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 $WHA $THA $HELL radius 2.0 2.0 2.0 

else_jump @CUTEL_1466 


btw, thook is experemental, it needs paths (i dont have)

Edited by edfake

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w00t. It will be awesome. ^^ :lol:

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Good job on the edits, like it all. I'll message you if I come up with any ideas worth tryin. Thanks Again.

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When I look

create_thread @ BTTF3

I do not find it, nor that of my main mission 0 in the version 3.3 upgrade to 3.4 but I of the main 3.3

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I'll try those add-ons of yours. Also, I have some add-on requests in mind that you might be able to do.

Off Topic - I was 13 when that song was released...

Off Topic: I was about 1-2 years old when I first heard of it. I remember my mom telling me that she played that song during my 1st/2nd birthday. Until now, it's that hard to forget that song, especially the fact that it's in my music hard drive, now a part of my song library that I usually play. :P

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I'm not using vice builder

Shall we guess now? Do a game like:

- Are you using "Vice Builder"?

- No.

- Are you using "Sanny Builder"?

- ...

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Shall we guess now? Do a game like:

- Are you using "Vice Builder"?

- No.

- Are you using "Sanny Builder"?

- ...

Mini-Me don't worry about it, if the user can't be bothered to provide you with the required information just forget about helping them. There are some people who need to help themselves first before we can assist them.

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I'll try those add-ons of yours. Also, I have some add-on requests in mind that you might be able to do.

so whats the idea?

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Your edits are nice ed, but is there any way to fix the portal? If I'm looking at it in game, the game slows down really bad. Maybe it's just my PC, I think I need more ram, lol.

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I think I need more ram, lol.

I'd rather say it's the graphic-card, but I'm not sure...

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its not. The problem with his code is that he has the explosions loop every frame, so he's making 8 explosions, then 8 more, but the 8 from the previous frame are still animating, so it becomes 16, and so forth and so forth =P

too many explosion particles =P

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more like going from

0437: scatter_particle 43 5.0 at $WHA $THA $HELL 0 0 0

0437: scatter_particle 43 5.0 at $WHA $THA $HELL 0 0 0

0437: scatter_particle 43 5.0 at $WHA $THA $HELL 0 0 0

0437: scatter_particle 43 5.0 at $WHA $THA $HELL 0 0 0

0437: scatter_particle 43 5.0 at $WHA $THA $HELL 0 0 0

0437: scatter_particle 43 5.0 at $WHA $THA $HELL 0 0 0

0437: scatter_particle 43 5.0 at $WHA $THA $HELL 0 0 0

0437: scatter_particle 43 5.0 at $WHA $THA $HELL 0 0 0

0437: scatter_particle 43 5.0 at $WHA $THA $HELL 0 0 0

0437: scatter_particle 43 5.0 at $WHA $THA $HELL 0 0 0


0437: scatter_particle 43 5.0 at $WHA $THA $HELL 0 0 0

and sure, a longer wait =P

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i thought there was too many particles, like the teargass. but when i did a wait it kind of looked like the delorean reentry, but shure ill change it so the particle scatter only happens once, see what it does....

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I just thought but, in one of your addons, and maybe in 0.2f, Martys skateboard should spawn next to his truck in vincetti mansion.

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I just thought but, in one of your addons, and maybe in 0.2f, Martys skateboard should spawn next to his truck in vincetti mansion.


to add to eds edits:

note, this means the skateboard will be next to martys truck anytime!!

now open the main in sanny, and search for HUNTER

you will find:

014B: $31 = init_parked_car_generator #HUNTER -1 -1 0 alarm 0 door_lock 0 0 10000 at -1681.2 -103.7 14.7 angle 180.0 

014C: set_parked_car_generator $31 cars_to_generate_to 101
copy this code and paste it below. now the whole paragraph looks like:
014B: $28 = init_parked_car_generator #SABRE -1 -1 1 alarm 0 door_lock 0 0 10000 at -1022.6 -868.6 12.2 angle 175.0 

014C: set_parked_car_generator $28 cars_to_generate_to 101 

014B: $29 = init_parked_car_generator #CHEETAH -1 -1 1 alarm 0 door_lock 0 0 10000 at -1014.1 -867.4 12.2 angle 188.0 

014C: set_parked_car_generator $29 cars_to_generate_to 0 

014B: $30 = init_parked_car_generator #RHINO -1 -1 0 alarm 0 door_lock 0 0 10000 at -1720.3 -239.6 14.8 angle 92.0 

014C: set_parked_car_generator $30 cars_to_generate_to 101 

014B: $31 = init_parked_car_generator #HUNTER -1 -1 0 alarm 0 door_lock 0 0 10000 at -1681.2 -103.7 14.7 angle 180.0 

014C: set_parked_car_generator $31 cars_to_generate_to 101 

014B: $31 = init_parked_car_generator #HUNTER -1 -1 0 alarm 0 door_lock 0 0 10000 at -1681.2 -103.7 14.7 angle 180.0 

014C: set_parked_car_generator $31 cars_to_generate_to 101 

014B: $32 = init_parked_car_generator #HUNTER -1 -1 0 alarm 0 door_lock 0 0 10000 at -72.4 -1607.9 12.7 angle 0.0 

014C: set_parked_car_generator $32 cars_to_generate_to 101
look at the one you copied. change both blue $31 to $ASDFG. then replace #HUNTER with #PIZZABOY it now shuld look like this:
014B: $ASDFG = init_parked_car_generator #PIZZABOY -1 -1 0 alarm 0 door_lock 0 0 10000 at -1681.2 -103.7 14.7 angle 180.0 

014C: set_parked_car_generator $ASDFG cars_to_generate_to 101
finally change:
-1681.2 -103.7 14.7
-399.1553 -535.3201 12.7934

Done!!! - btw, the board doesnt spawn??? but hoverboard does. maby the skateboard isnt moddeled yet. use #FAGGIO instead of #PIZZABOY at the moment!!

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Thanks Ed, but I want to make sure Martys Truck and the Delorean and TT still spawn.

Edited by BTTFTIME

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well. i was thinking of making a control pannel with the following features:

change coil colour: green, orange, blue.

switch between no traffic/traffic

teleport/time portal

location circuts for all/ only dmc13

car spawner

my clone (control 2 guys at a time during game, ctrl+4 to switch between)

and more to come...

any ideas for more features?

i would post in eds edits but it needs to be bumped

Edited by edfake

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