Hello guys! First I want to thank the team for bringing back this mod. So great memories!
I've been playing the last release for the past hours and found some bugs that I thought would be helpful
- The vehicles can not stay on train tracks, no matter what. The Roger's Locomotive time trivel just goes off-road until reach the sea
- The rook can no be placed in BTTF 1 DeLorean, and I've missed the ringing clock and the start mark on the road
- I can't repair the damaged veichles anywhere, or get them refueled
This are the ones that I got on top of my mind right now, but I know that it's a test version and its already awesome, love where the map is going! Hope to see more soon. Thank you all!
Hello guys! First I want to thank the team for bringing back this mod. So great memories!
I've been playing the last release for the past hours and found some bugs that I thought would be helpful
- The vehicles can not stay on train tracks, no matter what. The Roger's Locomotive time trivel just goes off-road until reach the sea
- The rook can no be placed in BTTF 1 DeLorean, and I've missed the ringing clock and the start mark on the road
- I can't repair the damaged veichles anywhere, or get them refueled
This are the ones that I got on top of my mind right now, but I know that it's a test version and its already awesome, love where the map is going! Hope to see more soon. Thank you all!
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