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Characters with missions (of the movie I, II, III)

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Well, first, my battery is damaged and I have only one charger (and 2 notebooks), I not can give answers right away, please forgive me.

Now, my idea is:

that there were characters (the head of the school, jennifer, others) give us missions and if possible, in the end of all the missions we use the skin of the character, but not only are of the first movie, there's a BTTF (characters 1985, 1955 (before of the almanac)) BTTF 2 (2015 characters, 1985 A, 1955 (after the almanac and before traveling to 1885)) and BTTF 3 (1955 characters (I think it would exist only one mission, where they discover and delorean use to go to 1885), 1885. do not think there mission in 1985 after of burning the almanac).

hopefully it is possible

P.S.: Do not think you can do to 0.2F or do you?

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... Now, my idea is:

that there were characters (the head of the school, jennifer, others) give us missions and if possible, in the end of all the missions we use the skin of the character, but not only are of the first movie, there's a BTTF (characters 1985, 1955 (before of the almanac)) BTTF 2 (2015 characters, 1985 A, 1955 (after the almanac and before traveling to 1885)) and BTTF 3 (1955 characters (I think it would exist only one mission, where they discover and delorean use to go to 1885), 1885. do not think there mission in 1985 after of burning the almanac).

hopefully it is possible

P.S.: Do not think you can do to 0.2F or do you?

So, let me get this straight...

You want supporting characters (like Strickland, Jennifer and others, from all the Trilogy) to give the player missions and, when the player completes them, he/she would be able to play as the character who gave you the mission, but while in free-roam, so you play as Strickland, Jennifer, George, Lorraine, Biff and everyone else...

For the next release?, sorry, but no.

For a future version of the mod?, I don't think so, that's just something that really doesn't give anything to the gameplay.

Every BTTF fan wants to play either as Marty or Doc; and, as I always try to say, let's focus on the canon first.


A ver si entiendo bien...

Quieres que los personajes secundarios (como Strickland, Jennifer, y otros, de toda la Trilogía) le den al usuario misiones y, cuando el usuario las complete, pueda jugar como el personaje que le dió la misión, pero en modo Libre, para que juegues como Strickland, Jennifer, George, Lorraine, Biff y todos los demás.

¿Para la siguiente versión?, disculpa, pero no.

¿Para una futura versión?, no lo creo. No le agrega nada a la experiencia de juego.

Todo fan de "Volver al Futuro" quiere interpretar ya sea a Marty o al Doc; y, como siempre trato de decir, primero enfoquémonos en la historia oficial.

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I think my ideas are rubbish, well, hopefully that will give me a good

idea, but I think everything possible and this added to the mod.

PS: I do not need Translates, is my problem and I don't want to bother you

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Every BTTF fan wants to play either as Marty or Doc; and, as I always try to say,

But, I wanted to play as Einstein.

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Lol! Lol RG

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