Destination Time
Present Time
Last Time Departed

Sound list

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This list contains information about all audio files used by the mod. The information has been collected and listed by Flux Capacitor, I added to me important information and re-formated the whole list putting it into a table. If you have any corrections/suggestions feel free to post them.

filename as description
ASS_1 1 Instant time travel
ASS_2 1 Time train doors opening
ASS_3 1 Departure Explosion Time Train
ASS_4 1 Re-entry for Time Train
ASS_5 1 Time Train starting
ASS_6 1 Time Train shutting off
ASS_7 1 Time Train switching to flying
ASS_8 1 Time Train switching to driving
ASS_9 1 DeLorean departure w/ the clock tower
ASS_10 1 Alarm
ASS_11 1 Clock tower being striked with lightning
ASS_12 1 Time Train flying
ASS_13 1 License plate spinning
ASS_14 1 License plate falling
BAND_01 1 Re-entry for all DeLoreans
BAND_02 1 DeLorean Departure
BAND_03 1 Sound of going to the beginning of the time circuits
BAND_04 1+2 Shutting off time circuits
BAND_05 1 Changing numbers of time circuits
BAND_06 1 Time Circuits on
BAND_07 1 DeLorean coils, tires, and usually wormhole
BAND_08 1 Refilling plutonium
BIKEREV 1 BTTF 3 DeLorean coils, tires, and wormhole
BURG_01 1 Cold DeLorean
BURG_02 1 DeLorean starting up
BURG_03 1+2 The flying DeLorean sound when lifted off the ground
BURG_04 1 DeLorean Flying
BURG_05 1 Attempt to turn on DeLorean
BURG_06 1 DeLorean shutting down
BURG_07 1 DeLorean tires switching to flying
BURG_08 1 DeLorean tires switching to driving
BURG_09 - DeLorean struck by lightning 1
BURG_10 1 DeLorean struck by lightning 2
BURG_11 1 DeLorean struck by lightning 3
BURG_12 1 DeLorean struck by lightning 4
INLIFT 1 Empty Mr.Fusion/Plutonium
LIFTBEL 1 Reactor vents after time travel (BTTF 1)
LIFTRUN 1 Refilling Mr.Fusion
(ROK2_01 1 yet unused, be surprised)
(TEX3_5 - DeLorean finished repairing/being made)

filename description
miscom Mission Complete
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it's unused ...

No but , I don't see where the "TEX3_5" is use in the game o_o

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I changed the sound of the locomotive, with gta3audio file sfx00292.

Here is the file for which changes.


can tell me what you think about this?

Edited by 1885bttffan2015

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Dude, I liked it better when I made this thread.

Yeah, I started this thread new because you didn't get along with the table-structure and destroyed the whole forum layout on that page :P.

If you want some texts to be edited, post them here and I'll do it (assumed the new one is better).

I think i know what is this sound exactly.

I'm warning you, keep it to you!

No but , I don't see where the "TEX3_5" is use in the game o_o

It was intended to play when the garage re-opens to give it a dramatic sound that the DeLLorean looks real different :D, but it got replaced by "018C: play_sound 1 at 0.0 0.0 0.0".

Edited by Mini-Me

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X-D ok

Questions to you Mini-Me :

what's the numbers beside the name of the wav files ? O_o

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how they appear in the scm:

03CF: load_wav 'ASS_12' as 2

But I haven't done my homework good as you see in the example above.

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yeah, it would be good if I updated that...

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The Delorean engine noises are in the games main sound file. They need their pitch controlable to simulate gear shifts. They can't be normal wav files.

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