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Everything posted by MrFusion

  1. Hello, i´m new here, i created a account because i have a problem with the BTTF SA Mod I install the game (100% Clean), i install the mod and when i open the game, it crash. Error message: GTA:SA Crashed, Debug Info Follows: GTA Info: Version: US 1.0 Last File Loaded: Last Library Loaded: Error: Unknown Assembly Info: Exception At Address: 0x00000000 Exception Code: 0xc0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION) I´ve got the problem, i solved them (Hidden files of other GTA SA, i deleted.), but now i haven´t got any hidden file, but the game crashes. This thing happen when i use the BTTF Mod (i´m trying to install the Uokka Moddified BTTF) Sorry for bad english, i´m Argentinian.