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Everything posted by MK3424

  1. it will cause the game engine to be overloaded with useless data in wich will cause instability for gameplay and stress to your pc hardware to deal with the data
  2. It even happend twice! I wonder wat would hapen if they gave Roger Rabbit Jack Daniels instead of a double Bourbon.
  3. I like the boost feature especially when you are driving up walls!
  4. Ironic, because the actor was shown in the picture was actaully Christopher Lloyd.
  5. The changes you make in the altered present doesn't affect the timeline only if you change it in the past from the point the timeline changed. small question to dragon King:is your avatar from the movie 'Who framed Roger Rabbit'?
  6. So you play Minecraft too!! I thought i was the only one. and by the way that's cool wat you just build, i just don't have the patience to build that and specially to mine the recources.
  7. But Doc kan arrive from any direction he want
  8. Or he could upgraded the car performance to reach 88 mph faster since he went to 2015 and converted his car.
  9. but there was a bttf hill valley multiplayer game
  10. I hope there will be a multiplayer feature in the game so that you can time travel with somebody else
  11. Too bad because it was helpfull in the game
  12. that the players could see the flux capacitor in action as it is in real life
  13. sorry, i didn't notice but inside the car would be possible ?
  14. When you sent two vehicles in time you need two time receivers for each vehicle or the game crashes
  15. i mean you can see it fluxing inside the car when you are looking behind and on the train on the front
  16. In the game you have a modelled Flux capacitor in the car and on the train,but is it possible to make it flux when you turn the time circuits on and flash during time travel
  17. but it's helpful that you don't refuel every time you time travel it's like you have to get gack to the lybians for stealing plutonium every time
  18. When you see yourself driving in the past and you bump on yourself, the screen turns black and starts back at the point you are bumped in the past and see yourself amazed that you just created a time paradox
  19. put a garage nearby where doc builds the train and use that garage for the deloreans to store them
  20. maybe after the train is modified to time travel, because doc brown owned one at the end of BTTF3
  21. maybe using the train cave from back to the future the animated series
  22. or just a number showing how many times you can time travel 2= 2 times etc.
  23. just use the original fuel gauge seperate it in pieces at the left side a number showing how many times you can time travel
  24. Why don't you make a trash/plutonium gauge wich you can multiple refuel showing how many times you can time travel when you driving around the fuel bar decrease by the distance just as in 0.2d