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Everything posted by Ziero

  1. You know he has to like BTTF, he would have only used that line knowing where it came from... Everyone who knows BTTF, knows that line. It's the greatest line ever, BTTF speaking anyways.
  2. It's okay Trance, I understand... I don't mind you seeking Blue or Mini-me's advice considering the fact that I am new to CLEO, where as you are new to coding in general. I do know this from experience: CLEO seems easier to do than normal scm coding, in its own way. EDIT: A little on topic question: Is there a way to tell one CLEO script to "use" another CLEO script? Thanks in advance.
  3. lol in SA its not impossible... At one point it was already coded that peds would run from the explosions of TT, but not the car itself... this idea was eventually removed though... In VC I'm not sure, but if FC is right, that would still be funny.
  4. Should be, so long as you use the play_sound or play_wav opcodes... and the other required opcodes with it.
  5. Og Grim, I know these guys are irritating, but play nice... I have to, lol, so should you.
  6. lol the "Bug" your talking about isn't a bug, its one of the edits required by this tutorial...
  7. KP, I would help, but I'm currently busy coding my own thing right now, that and I'm really new to CLEO, in fact I just got into it this weekend... Also, I don't know alot about Batman anyways, so sorry I couldn't help...
  8. not true to the Movies, that's why they don't do it...
  9. it is definetly a DeLorean... Ken just painted it red, lol... He uses txd editor...
  10. It will be here when He's done with it, you N00bs keep asking and He'll say screw it. Sorry for being rude, but some things are getting on my nerves as of late...
  11. Would be possible if the VC engine could "predict" where the car is going in relation to its current movement, but it can't, Crysis can. Someone please correct me if I am wrong here.
  12. You kinda are the one with the prob, obviously as no one else reports any probs... Trial and error my friend, if it says something's not found, figure out why first, and if all else fails and you can think on you own, then ask... Sorry to be rude like that, but we all have better things to do than to figured out your problems, we have our own.
  13. isn't it supposed to be "gimme01" or something like that? hmm i don't remember anymores, lol.
  14. lower right hand corner there is an icon, click on it and pick VC that should put you into VC mode
  15. That one looks familiar...
  16. Hitman is not FPS, its 3rd person... but i do believe that you can switch to 1st, but it looks like crap and ruins gameplay... besides, Blood Money is the best Hitman there is...
  17. Is importing video clips during gameplay even possible?
  18. Right, a full animation cutscene in VC, you do realize (correct me if I'm wrong) but in VC the cutscenes have to be made with the game engine in mind... VC couldn't handle the kind of cutscenes you're thinking of...
  19. Wow, I didn't even think of doing that... It makes sense though, since, in coding terms, all it really is up there it an in game explosive going off, soooo...
  20. lol, if you want bananas that badly, then go to the store and buy some, lolz
  21. @Blue: I understand that, its why I never pressed the issue. @Grim: It would be nice to make it a mission specific feature, but the way Blue is talking, its just a waste so I guess not...
  22. I was only concerned about blinkers for the fact of the hazard lights being used in BTTF so maybe we could at least have this feature coded into particular missions... EDIT: I also like the idea because I like a more life-like game experience, although you can't code the police to stop you, like you said SaiyanPrideFilms...
  23. According to Wiki, a louver is the thing that covered the back window, the slatted thing, kinda like shutters on a house.