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Far distant future years


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Hi all.

Would it be possible to have no people around in the far distant future years? No population what-so-ever in the year 9999, no people walking about, no cars driving about, no planes, boats, etc. Perhaps the weather is always foggy to look like pollution.

And perhaps several years prior to that, maybe the years 7000 - 9000 there's just homeless people walking about... And perhaps some burnt out cars, lots of litter / rubbish about, etc...


Edited by Griff
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They might also limit the eras or years you can travel to. Perhaps, after you've finished all missions and went into free-roam mode, you can only travel to a limited list of years -- 1985, 1955, 2015, 1985A and 1885. I dunno, but I believe it's already hard enough to render the five different eras of Hill Valley.

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I think griff came up with a a pretty cool idea if the future is messed up until you completed the missions (if there are any) and kinda saved the future..

Its just like BttF part II.

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