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0.2f Coding Requests


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Request any features for 0.2f here.


Note, this does not mean we are finished with 0.2e, we still have quite a few bugs to fix.


This topic will be open up until the release of 0.2e, after which we will make a short list to pass on to our coder.

We are taking this new approach to try and avoid what happened with 0.2e, which was basically del trying to code in everyones different requests without setting a pre defined cut off date.

Please refrain from posting requests which will be part of 0.2e.

Finally, some news, Doc's truck animations may or may not be included with 0.2e, as this is prooving to be very unstable and buggy.


Back to the Future Hill Valley: Version 0.2e – Feature list

- KITT has been Removed

- More Graphical Enhancements

- - All Deloreans will fire particles to the wormhole and have particles flying back

- - Pulsating glows for 04 Delorean

- - Longer Fire Trails

- - BTTF 3 Coils will Flicker

- - Headlight Glows added to Flying Models

- - BTTF 2 Stream Thrusts from Hover Conversation

- Multiple Time Machines

- Lightning Strike Possiblity (when in flying in a storm)

- Emergency Landing System will cut in when you are struck by lightning

- Custom Location for Location Circuits in the 04

- Backward 99 Fire Trails

- Instant Time Travel

- "Beeper" Delorean Time Circuit setting reciever

- New Animations for

- - Time Train

- - BTTF2 Time machine Delorean

- - 04 Time machine Delorean

- Missions

- - "The Ride"

- New Models

- - New 04 Delorean Model

- - New Time Train Model

- - Marty's Toyota Truck

- - Needles Ford F150

- - Updated Delorean Models

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Yeah, I remember too, that there'd be the requests for 0.2f while 0.2e is being finished off, and then once 0.2e was released, the requests thread would be closed... to stop so many bugs occuring in 0.2f...

(and thus reducing the time to release, meaning that the team won't get the aggrovation they got before 0.2e was released...)

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