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The Gold DeLorean

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About This File

Here is my update to Silver007's gold DeLorean - replaces the bobcat.

With special thanks to Carlos for fixing the few remaining glitches wth it.

Merry Christmas!


Link also provided: http://www.mediafire.com/?ytfmk4woym3


Mike - Various updates to Silver's Gold DeLorean Texture and modification of Carlos85G' Textures

Carlos85G - Multiple updates and improvements to the Silver007 DeLorean model

Silver007 - Converted the model to GTA Vice City

MooDog - Made several major updates to texturing and modelling and converted to Midtown Madness 2.

Yuriy Antipin - Created the original DeLorean mesh for Need for Speed 4

Replaces Bobcat

Included Files:




Please backup your files before installing, I am not responsible for any damage you cause to your installation

of Vice City. You have been warned.

Installation Instructions

Step 1

Make the following edits be opening up the files with WordPad/Notepad, note, all the files mentioned in step 1 are

located in Grand Theft Auto Vice City\data\

Open default.ide file, and replace the current bobcat line with the information below:

152, bobcat, bobcat, car, BOBCAT, BOBCAT, null, richfamily, 10, 7, 2ff0, 249, 0.72

Save and close default.ide

Open Handling.cfg file and replace the current bobcat line with the information below:

BOBCAT 1700.0 2.00 4.40 1.30 0.00 0.00 -0.30 70 0.85 0.75 0.47 5 300.00 31.00 R P 4.50 0.65 0 30.00 1.80 0.19 0.37 0.72 95000 0.25 -0.10 0.50 0.40 1208187 1 1

Save and close handling.cfg

Open carcols.dat file and replace the current bobcat line with the information below:

bobcat, 75,75

Save and close carcols.dat

Step 2

Using Vice City GXT Editor (available from http://www.thegtaplace.com/downloads/file.php?id=566 )

Open Grand Theft Auto Vice\TEXT\american.gxt, locate BOBCAT and replace the current text with Gold DeLorean,

click apply, then click save, then exit Vice City GXT Editor.

Step 3

Using GTA Collision File Editor (available from http://www.steve-m.com/downloads/tools/colleditor/ )

Open Grand Theft Auto Vice City\models\coll\vehicles.col, find bobcat, click replace, select the included

bobcat.col file, click save, click yes to all prompts, then exit GTA Collision File Editor.

Step 4

Using IMG Tool 2.0 (available from http://www.thegtaplace.com/downloads/file.php?id=552 )

Open Grand Theft Auto Vice City\models\gta3.img

Find bobcat.dff, delete the file from the image archive, then find bobcat.txd, delete the file from the archive.

Then click Commands, Add, select the included bobcat.dff and bobcat.txd files. Finally, select Commands, Rebuild Archive.

Exit IMG Tool 2.0

Step 5

Play the game.