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About gladiamond

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  1. I tested the code right now it works without any problems but if you have trouble to copy/paste take this **** Link removed, no posting of compiled main.scm's **** it is the original from 2.e with the button-feature added hope it helped
  2. bluespace88 stop criticize everything!!! i know you are able to code it better, but this code is not for you. It is for those who wants to learn how to code the basics. so i bet you kindly please stop posting that you would have done it better... or that the code ist the total crap,useless and worth nothing If you want to say something perhaps a "nice" or a "thats kind of you to share your knowlegde" is the best way to start with. video is coming soon ;D
  3. the other remoted multiple time machines will have the same reentry speed as you
  4. puh.. this would need to change more than a few lines. I wonder if it is worth the afford. besides....from which anime is your picture.
  5. not dramatically enough to reach your beloved 88 MPH ? you can higher it to 93 MPH for even more heartbeating
  6. i don´t know exactly but i think u never can reach negativ speed in the game and in the reallity. Speed is a vector and also positive if u drive the delorean in reverse gear. but 0 is greater than a negative value so the game crashes or the delorean will timetravel if u put on the time curcuits. find out ;D
  7. You are right. It is conveniend but not as pulsating as the 88 MPH-barrier
  8. I have already done this last week -------------------------one button timetravel (radio button, turn off the music in the menu)---------------------- :TIME_874 if 4@ == -2 // integer values else_jump @TIME_894 end_thread :TIME_894 //---------------------------------begin of codechage------------------------------------------------------------------ if 00DC: player $PLAYER_CHAR driving 0@ else_jump @Time_895 if 80E1: not key_pressed 0 4 else_jump @TIME_14104 :TIME_895 :TIME_896 if and $remotestart == 1 Player.InRemoteMode($PLAYER_CHAR) else_jump @Time_897 wait 1000 $remotestart = 0 if 80E1: not key_pressed 0 4 else_jump @TIME_14104 :Time_897 if and $remotestart == 0 Player.InRemoteMode($PLAYER_CHAR) else_jump @TIME_898 if 80E1: not key_pressed 0 4 else_jump @TIME_14104 //--------------------------------------end of codechange----------------------------------------------------------- :TIME_898 i think u can copy paste. I hope i didn´t forget anything. try it
  9. ----------------------------------------Timetravelspeed---------------------------------- you need to change a few parameters < means value have to be smaller > means value have to be greater ------------------------------------------- :TIME_894 if 80E1: not key_pressed 0 2 jf @TIME_1105 02E3: 1@ = car 0@ speed if 1@ > 0.0 // floating-point values <---glowing (the cool blue light) < sparksound jf @TIME_625 gosub @TIME_2555 02E3: 1@ = car 0@ speed if 1@ > 0.5 // floating-point values <------sparksound > glowing else_jump @TIME_625 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :TIME_1916 02E3: 1@ = car 0@ speed if 1@ > 1.0 // floating-point values <--------preparation > sparksound / <(close) timejump ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :TIME_12592 if and 13@ >= 100000 // integer values not 13@ >= 200000 // integer values $TRAVEL_CONTROL == 1 // integer values else_jump @TIME_10 gosub @TIME_1210 gosub @TIME_2555 if $BUMPED == 0 // integer values else_jump @TIME_14364 02E3: 1@ = car 0@ speed if 80E1: not key_pressed 0 2 else_jump @TIME_1105 if 1@ > 1.0 // floating-point values <--------cinematic camera freeze < timejump(close for best result) else_jump @TIME_12367 if 1@ > 1.5 // floating-point values <------- timejump > all other values except bugprevent2 else_jump @TIME_12490 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :TIME_13929 wait 10 if and 13@ >= 100000 // integer values not 13@ >= 200000 // integer values $TRAVEL_CONTROL == 1 // integer values else_jump @TIME_12432 if or not Car.Wrecked(0@) 00DC: player $PLAYER_CHAR driving 0@ else_jump @TIME_20369 gosub @TIME_1210 gosub @TIME_2555 02E3: 1@ = car 0@ speed if 1@ > 1.0 // floating-point values <---------------bugprevent1 < bugprevent2 else_jump @TIME_12432 if 14@ == 9999 // integer values else_jump @TIME_14075 if $BIFFGO == 1 // integer values else_jump @TIME_12432 :TIME_14075 if and 1@ > 2.0 // floating-point values <-----------------bugprevent2 > timejump 16@ >= 1000 // integer values else_jump @TIME_13929 -----------------------------------------------------NoRefill---------------------------------- :TIME_19748 $SET_TIME = 0 // integer values $INST_TRAVEL = 0 // integer values 043C: set_game_sounds_disable_on_fade 1 if and not Car.Model(0@) == #BUS not Car.Model(0@) == #MAVERICK else_jump @TIME_19828 if or // <-----------------------"or" added $RIDE_MISSION == 1 // integer values $RIDE_MISSION == 0 // <-----------------------"line added" else_jump @TIME_19828 15@ += 10000000 // integer values jump @TIME_19828 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if "something is wrong or not understandable" == 1 ask me else_jump @have fun P.S @ Minimi: the game doesnt freeze.To many "wait"-commands are delaying it a bit @ RG : Your comment is the best : Doc: "What did I tell you?! 3 MILES PER HOUR!!!" I had to laugh 3 times ;D
  10. change the 17@ value to change the "Time delay after time travel" :TIME_20061 wait 10 if not 17@ >= 0 // integer values Time delay standart:5000 else_jump @TIME_20362 hope it helps anyone else
  11. i changed a code part, so i dont need to refill it and my timetravel speed is at 3 mph. these parameters are easy to change if you know where, sometimes more parameter need to be changed but in the end this all are values and the delay is a value ,too (or more values). I only need to find out where it is and i thought someone of you do know where it is located. I want to change it because it makes fun ... ...1. to see how it works ...2. to see the results p.s. sry for my bad english, if there are mistakes, ignore them have fun timetravelers
  12. hi, does anyone know where the delay after time travel can be changed i have searched in the main.scm for 2 hours and couldn´t find the line/lines